Freed from the Smell of Burning Flesh

While in Houston, Texas for some prayer sessions with those tormented by evil spirits I met up with a 65 year old gentleman who had been tormented by an evil spirit that caused him to smell flesh 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It got so bad that he considered moving out of the house hoping to free himself from this vile smell. It didn’t work. The smell followed him wherever he went furthering his discouragement and torment. For over two hours we battled the demons that were causing him to smell the burning flesh. Eventually, we were able to see the man set free from this demonic attack as we told the demon behind the affliction to cease. We ended our day with thanksgiving to God for what He had done!

The next morning, I woke up in a panic! Why you might ask, well, I woke up panicking because I woke up smelling what seemed to be burning flesh. I couldn’t believe it. The smell got on me and I was stunned on how the enemy was attacking me with this foul odor. For nearly an hour I battled the evil spirit that brought this smell to me. I washed my face. Nothing! I paced my hotel room. Nothing! I panicked. Nothing! I finally realized this was a spiritual battle that needed to be fought on a spiritual plane, so I began to read the Scriptures and pray. It didn’t leave immediately. I then anointed my nose with oil and told the demon to leave in Jesus name. It finally left with its horrible odor. I was freed from Satan!

Jay Bartlett

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