Archive for March, 2008

Being set free from awful torment

Thursday, March 13th, 2008

This person is being set free after many many years of torture from evil spirits. She was tormented terribly by fears of the unpardonable sin, but after seeing a deliverance ministry, it made quite an impact on her life!

“As far as my mother, God is truly amazing! In just a little over a week, the healing that has taken place is just phenomenal. Her mind has settled. The thoughts that have been haunting her for years have subsided.”

Praise God for that!!

Robert L.

Incubus came through a soul tie

Thursday, March 13th, 2008

Another woman contacted me who was being visited by incubus (the demon that sexually harasses women). I talked with her about soul ties, and she remembered a soul tie in her past that needed to be broken. She walked through the steps I laid out and the tie was broken in Jesus’ name.

About two weeks later, I talked with her again and she said that it looks like the attacks have stopped!

Robert L.

Young man harassed by demons

Thursday, March 13th, 2008

I was working with a young man who had a list of demonically rooted problems in his life. He too wondered if Christians could have demons. He was hearing voices in his mind about Satan being God, he was being attacked with fears of the unpardonable sin (a very common problem)… he’s even had urges to murder others!After working with him, he told me how almost all of his problems were now in the past!

Praise God!!

Robert L.

God’s Holy angels to the rescue!

Thursday, March 13th, 2008

I posted this one a while back, but I believe it will be a blessing to share here as well…

This was supposed to be a casual phone conversation, and it seems God had other things in mind! Hot off the press… I just found out that my mother was praying with somebody over the phone earlier today, and when she began to bind the spirits they manifested… she heard this groaning and then dead silence… she finally hung up and tried to call back several times with a busy signal… finally about 10 or 15 minutes later she was able to get back on the phone with the person, and the person had NO idea of what happened… the demon took over in the person and blocked out their conscienceness so they were unaware of what was going on for several minutes… the woman didn’t remember a thing!

After the demon manifested, and she was off the phone, and could not call this person back, she notified me about what was going on and we asked God to send down ministering angels to minister to this woman… I believe this is what made the difference during that time when she was unreachable!

My mother noticed quite a change in this person before/after praying with her on the phone, binding up the spirits and commanding them to leave! She said that the first time she talked with her on the phone, she felt something was wrong… but the 2nd time she got her on the phone (after the demon manifested), she was very chipper in personality! The difference in this woman was very evident!

I have seen God’s angels at work different times… they are awesome ministering spirits as the Bible says!

Hebrews 1:14, “Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?”

Robert L.

How Deliverance Felt Afterwards

Thursday, March 13th, 2008

“…it was one of the coolest things I’ve ever experienced, and I felt so light and happy afterwards too, like bags of rocks on my shoulders that weighed 50 pounds each were removed. It was so much easier to tell myself “NO” when ever I had the desire to sin…”

This was sent in by a young teenager who has been through deliverance… praise God!!!

Robert L.

Deliverance from oppressive spirit

Thursday, March 13th, 2008

We prayed over a young woman who was battling an oppressive spirit that was trying to cause her to doubt her salvation, fears of the unpardonable sin, etc. I began to confront the spirits and they manifested…. she was bent over sobbing and coughing as the spirits were cast out!

The next day, she said that she felt much better… the spirit that was tormenting her is gone!

Robert L.

Called to the deliverance ministry

Thursday, March 13th, 2008

I just have to share this powerful testimony of how God called a ministry to become knowledgeable of the area of deliverance!! God led them to our web site, where they learned how to cast out demons and become involved in this type of ministry!Hi Robert,

Thanks for being there brother! I found very good materials in your website, something very new to us. Our orientation is more of Baptist theology, so gifts and spiritual warfare is very foreign to us, specially demon possession. Then suddenly, we were faced with actual cases of demon possession, not just one but nine of them! During the first week, we fought the demons with prayer and love. We didn’t believe we had the power and authority to use Jesus’ name, so all we did was pray and whenever they turn violent, we tell them we love them and they just faint under the power of love, but they manifest daily without ceasing. We had no rest nor sleep nor food and we got so exhausted as the days went by. In desperation, we tried to use the Name of Christ and surprise! They tremble and shiver but we couldn’t still cast them out. We employed the help of more than 20 Pastors from different churches but to no avail. Some of them won’t even believe that the kids are possessed. Some of them thought we’re out of our minds, that we were imagining things. They wouldn’t believe that we saw the victims float on air, and show all signs of demon possession as you describe it in your website. Still others used the Name of Jesus but the demons just wouldn’t budge. As the days went by, we learned how to use our authority and we could already command the demons to walk, to eat, to take a bath, all sorts of things except leaving the body. Then we found out that the family of the children who were afflicted were deeply involved in witchcraft and one of them even participated in Satanic rituals. What we learned from you website is invaluable. After fasting and cleansing the whole family (3 generations of them) of their generational sins, soul ties, witchcraft and other curses, the demons finally left without a fight, exactly 1 month after the fist attack. Now we’re very confident that we are very well equipped to handle demonic possession and oppression of any kind. It’s like we learned the lesson of a lifetime. On top of that, we are now confident that we have the authority to heal the sick.

What we’ve learned from your website have strengthened us so much, you are mightily used of God!


Isn’t that awesome?? Praise God!!!

Robert L.

Satanism, Voodoo & Witchcraft Defeated

Thursday, March 13th, 2008

A young man recently contacted us who needed liberation from the witchcraft powers that have bound him for years. He had sliced his own body in rituals, made blood pacts, spoke with demons, and was actively practicing witchcraft, voodoo, and Satanism. His involvement included trips to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Mexico to see some witchdoctors. In one exorcism with him, several evil spirits manifested that told me they had entered this young mans body through his participation is some blood pacts, that he had made six months earlier. One demon I confronted was named “Death” and he confessed to having entering this man’s body via his sin of making a pact with the devil. We dealt with several dozen evil spirits within this man. By the grace of God he was liberated by the power of Jesus Christ.

Jay Bartlett

Legion’s Battle with a Holy Angel

Wednesday, March 12th, 2008

Larry was tormented by demons and arrived to a church service for some spiritual help. The church prayed for Larry as the evil spirits manifested and shouted, “You can’t him, he’s mine.”

The demon loudly proclaimed, “I’m Legion and we are many.”

Legion drove Larry’s body out of the church and towards the street until I shouted to the Lord’s holy angels and asked them to intervene in this battle. The members of the church continued to pray and witness the spiritual war. Within seconds, the angels literally threw Larry off the ground and onto the exterior wall of the church in a crucified position. The angels of mighty God were literally holding Larry against the wall of the church, against the demon’s will, so the evil demons couldn’t take him away. For a few minutes the angels held him in this holding position. All of us were in awe as we witnessed a modern miracle of angelic intervention, right before our eyes. Nobody had laid a hand upon him; nobody threw him against the wall except these invisible beings, which are here to minister, on behalf of the Holy Trinity.

After seeing the angels restrain the demons, I commanded the angels to bring Larry back into the church sanctuary so we could more effectively minister to his needs. The angels obeyed the command and drove him back into the church, where the church proceeded to drive out Legion from Larry in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

This battle went on for some time as the body of believers commanded Legion and the two thousand or so spirits comprised of him to leave. The evil departed and Larry was delivered by the power of the Holy Spirit. You could see the freedom and the love of Jesus bestowed upon his life. After leading Larry in a prayer renouncing Legion and embracing Jesus as Lord, he shared how during the time he lost consciousness (when Legion manifested) he felt like he was “thrown.” The pastor of the church and I shared with Larry how God intervened and sent His holy angels to the church to battle against Legion that held him captive. Larry was so happy and was rejoicing in his new found liberation from demonic bondage!

Jay Bartlett

Overcoming the the Curse of the Occult

Wednesday, March 12th, 2008

I recently led an 85-year-old man to Christ who had been reading some occult texts authored by Edgar Cayce, commonly known as the Sleeping Prophet. This 85 year old was extremely fascinated by Cayce’s work as a psychic. This fascination, however, allowed some demonic spirits to enter this gentleman’s home and they began to haunt him and his family. Eventually the man rid himself of the occult texts as the haunting intensified. We also discovered that others in the family were followers of Edgar Cayce, in fact, we discovered that this interest in Cayce in this family went back over 100 years. This generational psychic curse upon the family allowed the evil spirits to enter the home and haunt this family. Possessing the Cayce literature allowed demons to enter the family line. Thankfully, the curse was broken through the blood of Jesus Christ and the hauntings ceased.

Jay Bartlett