Major deliverance for a precious mother/wife!

I just saw this one come across the forum and had to share. Our dear brother Jay has just ran this precious saint through deliverance and she came out with flying colors!!

I wanted to let everyone know I am back from Texas. I have SO much to share, but am so exhausted and need to spend time with my kids I missed them so much.

I will write much more later but must share I am completely FREE and DELIVERED in Jesus’ name and By HIS POWER!!! Oh I cry as I write this…..I will write more when I can….I have no voice, I am completely hoarse…more later! I am so thankful – so thankful.

God bless you all!! NEVER give up NEVER Give in – God does have your deliverance and He knows how to do it……I am overflowing with such thankfulness and such praise for Jesus. SO MUCH to tell you all about God’s power and His works. He truly is the LORD OVER ALL!!

Jay and his family are so precious, so walking in God – He flows through them and it was so comforting. I was so blessed to have met Greg and Steve and Sean from this forum and so many others precious saints of God – such love, such love and care poured out onto you for no other reason than they were God’s children and allowed God to work through them. It was truly a most powerful move of God orchestrating an atmosphere where He could flow and manifest His power over the enemy. Not one demon in me was left – oh Glory to our precious Lord – now God will begin to teach me without interference the truth of Him and I will begin more healing and getting my flesh under. This is not the end – but a precious fresh beginning to walk with God without internal interference.

I learned so much about how they nest and how they work, but Praise God he was able to move – God led Jay and the team there and they had such discernment and was able to cut off every plan the enemy tried….I saw the whole thing as I sat in the spirit realm. I was there watching, but not able to speak…..Jay called up demons and parts and they came and I watched in amazement at the power of God. Oh so much to write and I will!! Every precious word of my testimony with the blood of Jesus will break so many bonds of Satan – Hallelujah no wonder they tried to keep me under. God has such plans oh For me, for us all…..suddenly one accord means so much more to me. Please precious people – never stop pushing for God, never stop – no mater what you feel, think of see just keep on asking keep on knocking and keep on seeking oh He is faithful – He will deliver you all…..
God Bless you all

Praise GOD for this woman’s MASSIVE breakthrough… she was at the end of her rope before her deliverance, but look at what Jesus has done for her!!

Robert L.

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