Decapitated Rat’s Head Will Not Deter Us!

God’s peace, mercy, goodness, and kindness upon your home on this day!
Satan is furious with me! Just this morning my wife and I found a God’s peace, mercy, goodness, and kindness upon your home on this day!
Satan is furious with me! Just this morning my wife and I found a decapitated rat’s head at our front door with a clear cut. This is no doubt a satanic plant to bring about destruction to our family, home, and property. In witchcraft, voodoo, Santeria, and in other dark occult arts this is common practice to bring about a negative spiritual affect to the individual one wants to seek revenge upon. My wife and I live in a older established urban neighborhood of Dallas, surrounded by many Santeria shops, psychics, and voodoo stores as we live in a multi-cultured area that has it’s assortment of Latin American sorcery stores thus this doesn’t surprise us and it certainly won’t deter us.
As many of you know I have many enemies, spiritual and physical enemies who seek my death. I am saved from my enemies though! God sustains and protects by His Son’s blood!
Also, on this day, two young men approached my door and inquired if I would be interested in purchasing a jaguar. They were clearly two troubled individuals that no doubt looked like they wanted to conduct a home robbery. I felt it and God warned me. It was stopped as I began to share the Crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ with them.
I believe there was a connection between these two events as I do not see them as simply random occurrences.
“Demons desire to you use both today,” I told them.
They both nodded and I then shared with these dear men the most powerful event in human history–the Crucifixion of Jesus! It was as if the the story of the Crucifixion was draining them of the demonic energy they were going to use to rob us. I then led them to the Lord Jesus Christ in prayer and then left without even asking about that jaguar they wanted to sell me (sure, there was a jaguar to be sold! )
There is POWER in the Crucifixion. Utilize this most holy powerful event to ward off evil and evil individuals. Speak it and share it with others! I then proceeded to place holy water and anoint our home with the blood of Jesus.

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