Salvation, Deliverance and Healing in Guyana

Dear Friends of Jesus,

I have safely arrived on the Northern Coast of South America in the small nation of Guyana earlier today. Upon my arrival to this country I was immediately struck by it’s poverty, it’s numerous pagan temples and the receptiveness of the people to the gospel.

Like the nearby island nation of Trinidad (a nation I have visited and ministered at) Guyana has a significant Hindu population and a number of prominent Hindu Temples which would explain the significant spiritual oppression I have felt since being here. In fact, while in the taxi driving, from the airport to the capitol city of Georgetown, where I am currently based, I was astonished to see the many Islamic Mosques and Hindu Temples alongside the main road. One resident even had a life sized Hindu goddess in their front yard. They had even gone to great lengths to build a shelter for this life-sized idol. I have traveled to a number of Hindu dominated lands and their idols will place a lasting impression on you –of how grotesque they truly are.

It is in this land God has sent me to proclaim Jesus as the only way to the Father!

Since my arrival I have ministered on the streets leading many Indians, Africans and others to the Lord Jesus Christ. This nation has a significant youth population and God has granted me favor with them as many are desirous to hear the gospel presentation and are RESPONDING!

Armed with my audio equipment I also set up a open air gospel meeting in the heart of Georgetown and preached to more then 500 who had assembled nearby. As I preached I was amazed at their attentiveness and eagerness to the message. Only God knows how many opened their lives to Jesus after my more then 25 minute gospel presentation. I also prayed for the large group for healing and deliverance from evil spirits.

The city streets are congested and dirty but the souls responding to Jesus make it all the worthwhile. Amazingly, it is quite expensive here in Guyana, my old, dirty, hot, bug-infested room is costing me $100-$150 (USD) a night!!! And this is considered a nicer motel too (it’s a old house turned into a small motel). Thankfully the internet is somewhat reliable here.

A number of people here have begged me to stay longer here, to teach, to preach, to minister. The needs are quite immense, as the city streets are filled with hungry hearts! I need to take a small team with me next time as there are so many people ready for Jesus here, it’s just a matter of reaching them!

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