Chicago and Toronto Mission: Extraordinary Miraculous Works of the Holy Spirit

Chicago and Toronto Mission: Extraordinary Miraculous Works of the Holy Spirit

Jesus Mission: 8 Private and Public Meetings in 2 States and 2 Nations
16 Hour Ministry Day Resulting in Many Souls FREE and HEALED by Jesus!
Legion Expelled from Jamaican Woman
St. Lucian Woman Liberated from VERY Violent Spirit
Spirits of Animal and Human Sacrifice Confronted by King Jesus!
Islamic Spirits Confess Jesus is Indeed God!
Teaching on the Hidden Life in Christ Causes Saint to Cry for Joy!
Young Man Set Free from Vicious Czechoslovakian Spirit
Demonic Spirits of Apollonian, Bestiality, Murder, Incest, Mind Control and Thousands of Others Driven Out
Instantaneous Healings in Chicago and Toronto
16 Year Old Experiences the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Testifies of Feeling Fire!
Numerous Saints Healed of Dissociation
Confronted Human Interjects, Ancestral Dissociation, and Satanic Objects in Meetings
Holy Communion Defeats Generational Spirit from Gambia, West Africa
Numerous Encounters with Holy Angels in Ministry Sessions
Jesus Appears to Saints in Meetings
Dear Friends of Jesus,

As you can see from above ministry highlights we have been quite involved in our most recent mission which involved traveling to Missouri, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, and into the Ontario province of Canada. Some of these meetings have been extraordinary as we have seen amazing angelic interventions, powerful healings, and mighty deliverances from evil spirits. I first ministered in a small Dutch town in Michigan where we saw a family touched by Jesus. The wife was instantaneously delivered from evil spirits and her 16 year old son was delivered therefore paving the way for him to experience the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Upon laying hands upon him he immediately started to speak in other tongues and started to feel within himself extreme fire that he said felt very peaceful and comforting. The power of God fell upon him in such a manner that he was declaring to his parents, to his siblings, and to me that he was ready to serve Jesus as he felt this inner pull to work in His kingdom. Thus he was surrendering to the call of God upon his life –he testified of wanting to preach the gospel, cast out demons, and heal the sick!

Obviously, this only inspired his father even more so. During this mission his father attended the meetings as he wanted to absorb as much as he could. For you must be mindful that this precious brother attended one of our meetings in Chicago last year and experienced such liberation and healing that he is now ready to serve Jesus with everything he has! In fact, he desires to enter ministry and to assist in the proclamation of the good news of Jesus throughout the globe!

These are beautiful moves of the Spirit of the Living God!

In Chicago we held a number of private meetings, many of them lasting many hours, was visited upon by the power of the Holy Spirit. With loud shrieks and with violent convulsions many demonic spirits were driven out in the name of Jesus! In each private meeting countless spirits were expelled. I recall in one meeting, a family who traveled many hours to be present to receive prayer, experienced the powerful move of the Holy Spirit as nearly the entire family received deliverance and deep healing. The son-in-law, in one session manifested very violent Eastern European demonic spirits named –Mila. They slammed him up against his chair when they surfaced and spoke out of him in rage.

“We’re here to destroy, to torment,” the spirits confessed.

We discovered that back 4 generations ago this particular spirit entered on the father’s side because of the ancestors sexual sins and murder. Under the power of the Holy Spirit I commanded the demons to leave and they left with loud shrieks and cries! The noise was such that we were reported and hotel security arrived outside the room. However, God was gracious and we were able to complete the deliverance before the security team could interrupt the exorcism. Interestingly enough, after the deliverance, I wondered out-loud what the name Mila (the name of the spirit) meant.

“Jay, it means, my love,” he confidently told me.

The family sat there stunned. We quickly got out a iPad and googled the name Mila and sure enough it is seen that Mila is a Czechoslovakian name meaning “my love.”

Now, mind you this man has never studied any Eastern European language however since the spirit had traveled from his wife, who has Eastern European roots, into him, the spirit had revealed itself to him while it was within him. The spirit also revealed he was holding onto many parts of her heart including one ancestral dissociative identity that was more then 300 years old. These parts were released by the power of God!

In our public evening meeting, held in a large conference room, as I confronted the spirits, there were immediate manifestations. The spirits that had enslaved these precious people surfaced and attempted to choke and strangle several people in the conference room upon ministering to them. No doubt the demons were attempting to kill their victims with the hopes of them never receiving freedom. They failed, Jesus prevailed! The demons that were strangling their victims were commanded to loosen their hold and were sent out.

One young 22 year old girl that manifested such a destructive spirit had been terribly traumatized as a young girl and a little part of her broken heart surfaced and was healed by Jesus. The little girl broken part even got to see our risen Jesus and experience His deep healing power (many other parts were healed during the meeting too). During our public ministry, to this young lady, after expelling many demons, it was interesting to note that while she was heading back to her seat see literally froze under the power of God (it wasn’t the demons as the demons hoped she would go back to her seat without being dealt with). Though many demons had already came out the Holy Spirit was wanting us to deal with more thus freezing her to where she could not walk. Then we dealt with the demons that were appointed for judgement and they were cast out also! She then was able to walk freely and with great strength!

Many more souls were delivered from demons, hearts were healed, bodies restored, and saints equipped. Not only was there ministry involved to set the captives free there was also many hours of training offered to equip the saints on how to cast out demons for example. This is our heart to raise up other soldiers so that they might go forth in the power of the Spirit to carry out works of the kingdom.

What is frustrating about these email updates is that there are so many miracle stories to share and I am not able to as I want to limit these updates to a readable length! Perhaps that is why you need to attend one of our meetings so you can experience it yourself and see the love of God in action!

From Chicago, with very little sleep, I traveled onward to Toronto, Canada to conduct a small deliverance meeting. We were small in number but we were truly multicultural in our representation as not only were there Canadians, there were also saints from India, St. Lucia, Jamaica, and Nigeria. Many traveled many hours to be present for the small meeting. One brother shared that he had been inspired to work in the deliverance ministry as a result of reading one of my books I had written many years ago (books have a life in themselves).

Traveling to Ontario brought back many memories –as a little boy I traveled into Ontario from New York often with my grandparents and even have some family still in the upper reaches of Ontario. I have traveled through many of the provinces of Canada over the years but have not been back in some time so it was nice to visit once again a nation that needs deliverance!

Just before partaking of the Holy Communion the meeting was interrupted by a man who was attending the meeting.

“That’s not the blood and the body of Jesus,” he declared while sitting a few feet from the Holy Communion table.

A spirit of confusion rose up from within him and angrily told everyone that the miracle of the Holy Communion does not occur. The saints present were astonished (it was interesting in that all the saints were unified yet this man attempted to bring division) that this interruption would occur just moments from partaking of the body and the blood of Jesus. But, we ought not be surprised though, the enemies of the cross abhor the holy things of God and will surface when confronted with the power of the blood and body of Jesus! I eventually ordered the man out of the meeting in the name of Jesus since he could not contain himself and exhibit self control. The last thing we need in a deliverance service is diversions that would keep precious souls from getting free.

When the man left the room immediately the Spirit of the Lord was able to move powerfully in our midst. As been in the case in many of our recent meetings I could not finish my teaching as so many demons surfaced and manifested from those in the meeting room. In this Canadian deliverance service many violent spirits surfaced causing horrific convulsions. Many Islamic spirits were cast out (including one human interject) along with many spirits named Legion. Spirits of the Occult also surfaced and were driven out in Jesus name.

One man from the Middle East surfaced Hindu and Astrology demons. They were driven out in Jesus name. He was also healed of dissociation. Another lady from Jamaica was set free from demon powers. Yet another one from Caribbean was liberated by the power of the Holy Spirit and healed of a broken heart. A Nigerian brother who attended the meeting received powerful words from a prophetess that was present which I confirmed which will prepare him for a future deliverance as the evil spirits within him were quite strong since his family in involved in fetish worship and outright Satan worship involving human and animal sacrifice back in West Africa.

Needless to say, Jesus prevailed in each instance. Jesus and His presence was felt by many and we rejoice in the goodness of our God. He alone deserve the praise!

For Jesus is LORD!

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