In New York City Preaching the Gospel to Many Thousands!

Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus,

I’m currently in New York City, armed with my powerful audio equiptment, conducting various open air gospel and deliverance mission work. Just about an hour ago I was given the wonderful opportunity to preach the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ to many thousands outside of Madison Square Garden in Manhattan. Unlike my last open air mission in Austin where the vast majority of the people downright rejected the gospel with blasphemy, here in Manhattan the response has been pleasantly different, I felt a receptiveness to the message of Jesus. I’ll be very honest with you I was sort of startled with the reception I was given. The masses that gathered around me in the courtyard area, outside of the massive Madison Square Garden arena, were open to hearing the good news. In fact, when the New York Police Department approached me while preaching there were numerous New Yorkers protesting the fact that they were shutting me down. To my amazement even the police officer was somewhat apprehensive in approaching me. God truly granted me favor on this mission as I preached a long time calling these precious souls in NYC to surrender to the Lord Jesus before being stopped. Many listened attentively to the message of the cross and the resurrection of Jesus –only God knows how many responded in their hearts to the message however it was very refreshing to see that hearts here in Manhattan were open!

I would estimate several thousand + (perhaps much more then that) heard the gospel this evening and I am simply rejoicing in that so many were interested in the gospel. Tomorrow (Friday) I am scheduled to preach the gospel in the Times Square area and ask for your prayers as I’ll have the opportunity to preach to many thousands. As you can imagine, standing in front of many thousands, conducting open air evangelistic meetings, in the heart of Manhattan, can be alittle unnerving and I had to battle some nervousness but the Holy Spirit gave me great boldness to preach with NO FEAR! Jesus is able and I’m a rather a shy individual so this was truly an act of God .

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