POWERFUL Acts of the Holy Spirit in NYC: Tens of Thousands Reached with the Good News!

Dear Friends of Jesus,

~Intense: Half a Million Evil Spirits Driven Out of Jamaican
~Asian Woman with Occult Background Gloriously Set Free by Jesus!
~Preached the Gospel to 10,000’s in the Heart of Times Square
~African Lady with Broken Heart Healed by the Love of God
~Powers of the Holy Communion Defeats the Devil
~Jesus Spoke to Demon: GO! Result? Deliverance!
~Times Square Open Air Meeting Causes Thousands to be Stunned!
~Conducted More then 7 Public and Private Meetings
~Led a Young Filipino Lady to Jesus Christ Before Her Deliverance!
~Teaching on the Holy Communion Brings Tears of Joy from Saints
~Holy Angels of God Assisted in Violent Exorcism
~Open Air Meetings Results in Souls Calling out on Jesus!
~Many Healed Instantaneously of Various Physical Ailments and Afflictions
~Violent Manifestations in Private Meeting: Thrashing on the Ground, Convulsions and Loud Cries as Demons Departed
~Spirits of Legion, Cancer, Idolatry, Witchcraft and a Host of Others Driven Out in Jesus Name!

The past few days here in New York City has been staggering. I have faced many attacks personally but the Spirit of the Lord has empowered me to proclaim the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ to tens of thousands. God is faithful. As you might recall from my report on Thursday evening I preached to thousands outside of Madison Square Garden. On Friday evening I conducted some private deliverance meetings where precious souls traveled great distances to find freedom from satanic bondage and literally hundreds of thousands of demons were expelled in the name of Jesus. On Saturday, I held 3 more open air meetings reaching more then 20,000 with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. In one open air meeting alone, we estimate, more then 10,000 souls were given the opportunity to hear of God’s love! To think that in just a few days we reached these kinds of large sized live audiences is incredible! Jesus made it happen! As I have shared with you before it is very difficult to conduct such open air meetings –the spiritual pressure that opposes you is quite intense– however the Holy Spirit empowered me and was able to reach many thousands! Not only are we seeing the gospel go forth in power but the Lord’s disciples are being equipped for the ministry and carrying out the works of Jesus too!

That Friday evening private deliverance was very violent and demonstrative. In a dramatic fashion God displayed His power over Satan! As a result of many generational curses the young Jamaican man we ministered to was terribly tormented by evil forces and was desperate for help! We responded to his cry for help with the ministry of deliverance. A young couple from South New Jersey who are experienced in deliverance assisted me in the ministry and we battled many hundreds of thousands of demons. All of them spoke out of him and confronted me. They boasted they had brought cancer into his body and a host of other infirmities. There was a number of times where they violently threw him to the ground and caused him to go into very violent convulsions. We called upon the mighty angels of the Lord and they greatly assisted us. In fact, several times the demons wanted to physically attack me but the holy angels stopped them from hurting me. The angelic host were of great help in this intense exorcism. They helped me by restraining the demons, picking the young man up when needed (as a result of the spirits forcing him on the ground) and maintaining divine order.

Though the demons cried out, acted out violently and attempted to battle –Jesus conquered them– and more then 500,000 demons were driven out as we led the young man in repentance and renunciation. Not only was there deliverance and there was inner and physical healing! These powerful miracles resulted in this young man rededicating his life to the Lord Jesus and they joy that I saw exhibited from him was something I had only seen a handful of times –there was that much inner happiness that he was experiencing from his new found deliverance! Jesus is worthy to be praised! (I was able to tape his testimony and hope to share with everyone very soon)

In yet another meeting we were able to see a young Asian lady set free from demon powers. For years she has participated in the occult (even consulting with necromancers and witchdoctors who led her into satanic rituals) and even traveled to various regions of the globe visiting Jain, Hindu, Sikh, Hare Krishna, Buddhist, and Islamic Temples and Mosques. Obviously, all of these acts opened her life to evil spirits resulting in her becoming demonized. God’s love and mercy was extended and she was rescued by Jesus. Many demons were cast out and an unusual miracle occurred. While leading her and her brother in Holy Communion, demons countered the blood and body of the Lord by trying to insert within her mouth the taste of incense that she remembers from her time in the occult. I again led this precious sister in the Lord in Holy Communion and this time she exclaimed, “the blood tastes sweet and I don’t taste the incense.” She also testified of feeling the demons of the occult leave her body! The body and blood of the Lord conquers demonic powers in all ages! God delivered this lady from many evil spirits and brought deep healing into her heart!

The early church understood the inherent powers in the Holy Communion in relation to spiritual warfare and yet many in our day have a very superficial understanding of the Holy Communion. The body and blood of the Lord are weapons!

The public aspect of this mission to New York City has indeed been staggering as God granted me favor to freely preach to the masses resulting in many calling upon Jesus! It was really beautiful to behold. I held 3 major open air preaching events in the heart of Manhattan — the Times Square area– with no hindrance from the police until at the very end!

In my first two preaching points nestled among the massive skyscrapers in Manhattan a home to millions of people I preached with great favor from God. Virtually no mocking from the people just open hearts to hear the gospel. I was told from some of the believers that the people are really hungering for something spiritually real. I proclaimed Jesus and many thousands listened on. You should have seen their faces –stunned, shocked, open– as I preach for about 30-45 minutes. Now mind you, I’m in the middle of New York City and no one from the police department stopped me. So, I kept on preaching Jesus! As I led everyone in prayers of salvation I could hear people call upon Jesus. Who knows how many responded?

While in my second preaching event a lady approached me and asked, “Are you Jay Bartlett?” I told her I indeed was! She was shocked but joyful as she had heard me on a recent live broadcast of the Omega Man radio show and was planning on attending my public deliverance later in the evening. She said she could hear someone utilizing the audio equipment and just wondered if it was me preaching! What a divine orchestration! (by the way, she ends up being delivered from several demonic spirits during the deliverance service).

After these meetings I ended up in the very heart of Times Square and to get an idea of where I preached click on these pictures:



I was right in the midst of these massive crowds armed with my powerful audio equipment. I shared with what we estimate to be a crowd of more then 10,000 (this is rather a conservative number as it was probably many more then that). Everyone was stunned and looked in my direction and listened in and heard of God’s love and plan for their lives. This is what I love about open air preaching –you are able to reach massive crowds quite easily due to the very shock of the people as they witness someone daring to preach in public! One could easily spend a lifetime of ministry in this heavily populated city however there are many other global cities that need Jesus too!

As I was winding down my message I was approached by the police and forced to stop however I gave the many thousands the opportunity to invite Jesus into their lives as LORD! Then from Times Square I conducted a public deliverance service where our little meeting room was jammed packed with people desirous of deliverance! Some even traveled more then 7 hours to be at the meeting!!! One older couple traveled many hours from Washington DC to attend the meeting for a healing miracle (they were so persistent to attend the meeting despite many obstacles placed in their way as they spent more then 2 hours within the city attempting to locate the meeting).

In the public deliverance service many were liberated from demon powers in the name of Jesus! Many of those afflicted with physical pains were instantaneously healed! Broken hearts were healed and many were encouraged by the brief teaching I brought from God’s Word! Again, I was only able to get through, perhaps, 7 doorways that lead to demons, out of the more then 20 I wanted to discuss. However, we are rejoicing in the awesome power and love of our God in the many miracles He did perform in our meetings!

Thank you dear saints for praying. I have received many of your emails and have been greatly encouraged. I know it is only by God’s grace I am able to continue on as sometimes the enemies attack and try to stop me from serving. Jesus is LORD and I am HIS!

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