Casting Demons Out in Europe

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus,

For the past few days I have been in London ministering to those needing deliverance and healing. God graciously provided me what seemed to be a quick flight from the US. It helps just sitting back and just listening to worship music that feeds the inner spirit. I’m here in the UK not only to conduct public meetings but also some private meetings.

For nearly 8 eight hours, last night, I was involved in an exorcism with a family that desperately needed relief from the demonic forces that had tormenting them. The husband a Church of England elder had brought his family with the hopes of finding deliverance and healing for himself, his wife and his two children. While on a recent trip to Spain and France his wife unexpectedly starting manifesting evil spirits that would growl and contort her face. Obviously, he was concerned however he did not know how to proceed to help his wife to find freedom. In desperation he found our 5 websites and began to educate himself on spiritual warfare. This assisted him greatly and used some of the principles we have on the sites in ministering to his wife. The result? He learned how to cast out demons from his wife. Great victories were taking place but he needed some assistance to help with some of the stronger spirits within her. 

While meeting with this family we discovered there were generational participation in spiritualism, the Jehovah Witnesses sect, the occult and involvement in secret societies. When I began to lead the lady in a prayer of repentance of the sins of necromancy the demons within her placed her in a trance like state. 

The first demonic spirit that manifested was furious. He growled and moaned. He contorted her body. He spoke to me.

“I’m Beelzebub and there’s five of us in here” he revealed to me.

In Jesus name we battled this group of spirits along with the spirits of Freemasonry, Jezebel, of the Illuminati, of the occult, of murder and legions of others. 

Beelzebub was driven out and Jezebel surfaced. 

“I killed her little boy. I want to kill her husband and the rest of her children,” the spirit confessed to me.

This dear lady 10 years earlier had lost a little boy when he was but 4 weeks old to a strange virus. 

This demon claimed to have killed this little boy. He wasn’t finished as he wanted to kill the rest of the family. 

We battled this murderous spirit and coached the husband to cast the demons out himself –which he gladly did. It was refreshing to see this husband, this father drive out spirits from his wife and his children and even drove out spirits from himself while in this private meeting. He was greatly encouraged and now equipped to assist his wife effectively in the ministry of deliverance. 

We also encountered many Masonic spirits from her grandfather who was involved in this Luciferian group. Though Freemasonry can be found in the Third World it is prominently seen in the West and have discovered there are masses of people that need deliverance from generational Freemasonry curses. I was delivered from  curse of Freemasonry and know of the power of the blood of Jesus to liberate from the chains of Masonic bondage. As often the case with those involved in Masonry, directly or indirectly, I had her take off the Masonry noose that was placed around her neck because of her ancestors participation in Masonic rituals. She had great difficulty taking off the spiritual noose. It took everything she had to do so but when she did there was great spiritual release and relief. 

We also had her destroy a ring, she was wearing, she had obtained through a auction here in London, where this couple paid a large amount of money to obtain. 

There were Germanic spirits attached to the ring that spoke to me in German. On my mother’s side there is German Jewish ancestry and have spent considerable time in Germany thus I recognized some of the German words spoken to me by the demon though this lady did not know German.

“We have been on this ring for hundreds of years,” the Germanic spirits boasted to me, “the previous owners belonged to us and we simply traveled with the ring.”

You should have seen the demons when I dropped this cursed ring in a glass filled with the blood of Jesus!

They went berserk and were greatly weakened. They were cast out!

Many thousands of spirits were driven out in the name of Jesus. All of them were set to the PIT! 

Not only was there was spiritual liberation there was also healing of her heart! A 10 year part of her broken heart surfaced along with others. Jesus comforted, healed and released the parts of her heart from satanic captivity. 

Jesus is so amazing! He desires to heal your heart, to liberate you from that demonic bondage. Allow us to help you in Jesus name!

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