Instantly FREED from Sorcery in Chicago!

Dear Friends of Jesus ~

It’s nearly 2am here in Chicago and I just got off the phone praying with my wife and request your prayers as she shared that the kids have been under some serious spiritual attacks. It truly affected my wife deeply. I’m not at liberty to share the details but know this is quite serious. Appreciate those of you who are praying! It seems the enemy really targets the home when I’m in the midst of these missions. As you can imagine this can be a burden because it involves my precious children.

For many hours we ministered to those who attended our Extraordinary Encounter earlier today and those who attended our evening public meeting. In our Extraordinary Encounter session, among those who attended was a father and son. Both suffered greatly under demonic attacks. In fact, the 72 year old father had revealed that he had been seeking deliverance for a very long time from generational curses that had affected his life and his 37 year old son. Both had practiced sorcery and various forms of witchcraft.

The 37 year old son, Ben, shared that for many months he studied Wicca and became addicted to sending satanic curses. Moreover, he learned how to astral travel and began to spiritually travel with the aid of demons to his friends to instill fear within them. These doorways were opened to demons thus allowing the enemy to torment his mind. For more than 20+ years Ben has been hearing voices that encouraged him to murder. He had resisted the voices but he was being worn down and needed the intervention of God.

This is where we stepped in and offered assistance. In Jesus name, I led Ben in a series of prayers and then commanded the evil spirits to depart. Almost immediately the demons left his mind and body and he could no longer hear the voices! Mind you, here’s a man who for 20+ years had been hearing voices on a daily basis torturing his soul. Within a few minutes these spirits were forced out and he was FREED! The smile, the release, the relief was immediate! After his deliverance, he revealed he would love to preach the gospel with me on the streets of Chicago and cast out demons in public! LOVE IT!

Furthermore, not only was Ben delivered, we also ministered to his 72 year old father, John. Because of his involvement in sorcery and participating with various forms of witchcraft he entered a deep form of satanic bondage. As with Ben, we commanded the demons to leave John and almost immediately the demons flew out of his mouth and he was set FREE!

“I feel real good brother Jay,” John shared with me as he just rested in the presence of the Holy Spirit, “I’m FREE!”

Then he stood straight up with both arms outstretched praising Jesus for his mighty deliverance!

There was no doubt this brother had been set at liberty by our God!

We also ministered to others including one precious sister who had a broken heart because of early childhood trauma. As I was praying for her a little 4 year old girl surfaced and shared that when she was 4, “Daddy was mean. He took my toy away from me at Christmas.”

No doubt this would shatter a little child’s heart especially on Christmas. The little girl then began to cry with incredible sadness and hurt!

I asked Jesus to lavish on this little one numerous toys and immediately toys from the Savior appeared all around her and she was filled with such joy! Does not our great God lavish His children with “good gifts?”

Then Jesus healed this little one and unified her with the heart –He truly heals the brokenhearted.

In our public evening meeting, here in Chicago, we witnessed the mercy and goodness of God being extended to those bound by demonic spirits. It was a small meeting, since it was a Tuesday we were conducting the meeting on, but nonetheless, the power of the Holy Spirit manifested within minutes of the teaching I was offering to those in the hall. While teaching from the Scriptures, a demon surfaced within a 62 year old disciple who had recently been a victim of word curses that family placed upon her. It was also revealed that earlier in the day she was nearly killed by these demons under very unusual circumstances. Demons are killers, we must be on guard always as they seek to destroy.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we commanded the demons to depart and they did! They also released a part that was recently formed due to the hellish word curses planted upon her by her family that deeply wounded her. This part was healed and unified!

We also ministered to a young Bible graduate who is scheduled to be in Russia to preach the gospel in a few weeks. For years he has known about his demonic bondage but didn’t know how to overcome the demons within his life. On this night God provided a supernatural breakthrough! It was a beautiful event! The entire ministry team utilized their gifts and battled the many demons within his life!

The demons of death first surfaced and were commanded to depart! Then a little boy surfaced that held such incredible pain, hurt and bad memories. The little boy was reached with compassion as he screamed:

“They are hurting me, they have my arms tied down, I can’t up.”

He was placed in a psychiatric hospital where they literally restrained him thus causing him to panic and become extremely fearful! Not only that but his heart shattered due to all of this trauma –of feeling trapped! In Jesus name, we released the part and battled the evil spirits causing the fear. These satanic spirits were expelled along with many others. Immediately he testified of being miraculously healed of numerous pains and afflictions. God healed his body, heart and mind! It was incredible to witness! Click here to to view his testimony (Jeff and Lally are our ministry contact for the Grand Rapids, Michigan area).

In just a few hours, I’m scheduled to leave for Las Vegas, Nevada where I’ll be conducting yet another public deliverance meeting. For five straight days –in more then 12 different meetings– I have been traveling to multiple cities throughout the country teaching, praying, casting out demons and healing the sick. Obviously, this is taxing upon my body. Moreover, facing all of these demons then on top of it hearing my family is under attack it’s quite intense. We are proactive and fight the battle under the holy blood of the Lamb! We WIN with the King!

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