Victory Mission Reports

Some interesting emails continue to roll into our mission. Such as this one:

“I wanted to tell you that I had a dream that you delivered me from demons. What’s so powerful about that is that, even in my dream with them in my dream! When they saw you in my mind they shook with terror and screamed. And I woke up. I guess they didn’t want to see you anymore. I just thought that was a powerful thing you might want to hear about your ministry since all the threats. Praise Jesus’ name and his blood that saved us all.”

WOW! I want demons to scream! I want to destroy them in Jesus name. This isn’t the first time I have heard from people about seeing me in their dreams casting out demons. This has happened throughout the world. In Pakistan, I recall this taking place and people being healed. There are times when I sleep it’s as if I’m ministering even while dreaming….who knows what’s happening but I’m thankful to being used of God in any way possible.

Also, received this fascinating email:

“Jay, I am Kim from Atlanta.  I attended your meeting and stayed until it ended after 2:00am.  I could have stayed until6pm if you did.  I never felt tired or bored which is unusual. I know God led me to you for my  deliverance and healing.  I wanted to wait and see if I was healed before I email you.  Well, I was the lady who sat in your chair upfront and expressed my sadness about my mother lying to me about my father.   I have never experienced such compassionate and love from another human being.  Thank you.  I still have very large tumors in my abdomen but the pain is gone!! I also feel lighter and more bold and free.  You have opened my eyes to the wiles of the enemy.  I look forward to your next visit. Thank you Pastor Jay, Sharon and James!  I am overjoyed that believers are being set free.  Jesus is Lord!!!!!”

WOW again!!! Our public meetings are filled with power, love and compassion. I am deeply humbled that so many feel compassion and love in our meetings. This is my heart’s desire. Though in this case there is some healing still needing to take place however healing has started to take place; as all of the pain is gone. Furthermore, she has experienced significant deliverance from demons resulting in her feeling “lighter,” “bold,” and “free.”

Jesus to be praised!

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