First Nation Medicine Woman Calls Upon Jesus

Dear Friends of Jesus,


As many of you know we are scheduled for another North American mission that will have traveling throughout the continent visiting numerous cities conducting private and public meetings. I believe, in each city, many souls will be supernaturally cured by the Lord Jesus Christ, God in the flesh. Before sharing more about these events I would like to take the opportunity to share an amazing testimony of a Medicine Woman (a witchdoctor) that I was honored to bring to the Lord Jesus earlier today. 


I had a few minutes in-between swimming with the kids here in San Juan Capistrano and getting some dinner to check on some calls we have been receiving through our mission toll-free phone line. Over the years I have been able to lead many to Christ, see many healed and delivered from evil spirits as I have ministered on the phone. However, in recent months, I have seriously curtailed my phone usage as it often brings vocal issues that I’m trying to avoid. There are, those rare times when I do take a few moments to make a call. I’m glad I did today.


Marcy called our mission sounding vexed by evil spirits. She left a message. I responded and discovered she was calling in from a remote region of British Columbia. In fact, a First Nations (Canadian Native Indian people group) community that is deeply entrenched in Native Indian pagan practices. Marcy also revealed she had not given her life over to Jesus but was interested in listening. She has been tormented and wanted relief. At first, Marcy was a little argumentative and was to debate me on the benefits of Native Indian, First Nations religious pagan practices. Wasn’t interested in hearing of the virtues of paganism (as if there are some; though many believe there are some). I think she was astonished at my boldness but she didn’t shrink back but continued on. Then she laid out a spiritual firework…”Jay, you also need to be aware I’m also what many people refer to as a Medicine-woman…” 


A Medicine-woman. That is essentially a witchdoctor. Marcy spoke at length about her deep participation in the ancient occult practices of the First Nations. Marcy was in deep spiritual trouble. She pleaded with me for help and spiritual intervention. I called her to full surrender to Jesus. She was willing and ready as the Holy Spirit moved on her heart and she began to cry some on the phone as, no doubt, she came under great conviction. I led her in a salvation prayer —repentance and faith in the one and true God, the Lord Jesus. She was saved. She was so happy. 


That is the first and most important step however she knows she has many evil spirits within her that need to be exorcised from her. She has pleaded with me to help her. This grandmother is located in a remote community; many hours from Vancouver, British Columbia. I would like to intervene if possible. 


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