Souls Won to Jesus; Battling Witchcraft All Night Long in LA

Dear Friends of Jesus ~


I’m currently in Arcadia, California, right outside of Los Angeles where we will be conducting another public deliverance meeting. Last night, however, was another spiritually explosive meeting, at the Temple of Salvation, in downtown Los Angeles, where we ministered to a jammed packed audience of precious souls who traveled from throughout the region to receive healing and deliverance from demons. For more than 7+ hours we ministered to those tormented by evil spirits and praying for those with horrible afflictions. First off, I taught from the Scriptures, for several hours and it was translated into Russian for our many Russian friends who were attending the meeting. Incidentally, while my translator was translating my message from God’s Word, he came under great attack and nearly passed out due to all the demonic warfare. It was that intense. Now that would be a first in 27 years of global ministry; having my translator enter into a demonic trance while interpreting my message. God was gracious and gave him strength to complete the task. 


Before partaking of the sacrament of the Holy Communion I presented a brief gospel message which brought forth a very positive response as quite a handful of souls indicated their desire to be born-again. As I led everyone in salvation prayers, souls were brought into the Kingdom of God; which I rejoice in. After the Holy Communion I began to pray for those terribly afflicted by demons and the first woman I ministered to was delivered from very powerful spirits of Jezebel and witchcraft. Then I was finishing up praying with her a woman to my right manifested horrible witchcraft demons that were rooted in Zimbabwean black magic and voodoo. With claw like hands and with groans and moans; powerful and stubborn spirits of witchcraft and voodoo surfaced. 


“We want to kill her,” the invading demons screamed, “We came through her ancestors who participated in human and animal sacrifice. Her ancestors murdered and killed thus our presence in her life.”


It was discovered that because her grandmother, back in Southern Africa, dedicated all of her descendants to Satan, it permitted these demonic beings to travel through the bloodline. I have spent many months in Africa in evangelistic, healing and deliverance ministry and can attest some of the most powerful demonic spirits I have encountered have come from this land that is filled with ancestral sorcery of all sorts. You find witchcraft throughout the earth and yet the African witchcraft, is perhaps, some of the strongest. These demons were no different. They were stubborn and fought me. I fought back with the various spiritual weapons we possess and greatly weakened the invading demons.


“We torture her and cause blindness in her,” the demons informed me. 


As I commanded the demons to release her eyes. They did. This precious disciple testified, before everyone, of being able to see much more clearer. Another example of God bringing healing in someones eyes. They were more demons of blindness to drive out however significant improvement has been made. 


These vile voodoo spirits also boasted how they had been the ones afflicting her with great pain and torment. They were desperate to keep her in captivity as this precious woman has a desire to be a Nun unto the Lord Jesus! I commanded the demons to release her and many of them were driven out; along with many torments and pains. All of them were sent to the pit in Jesus name!


All night long, at the Temple of Salvation, we battled an incredible amount of witchcraft spirits; more than usual. They were coming from all directions. I believe everyone we dealt with on this night had within them spirits of witchcraft and sorcery. In fact there was perhaps 12 souls who stood up and revealed either they had participated in witchcraft or their family. A few even revealed they had conducted witchcraft rituals; sending curses and spells. I had everyone renounce the devil and the dark practices of sorcery. Everyone did and great relief came to many. Even as I taught and ministered; people were being set free from evil spirits. Some demons were coming out through coughing, vomiting, screaming, and other means. 


So many were delivered in some measure as we ministered deep into the night. Another lady, a Filipino, who had traveled with her husband, was set free from powerful spirits of witchcraft and spiritism. 


“We entered her bloodline more than 20 generations ago; her family practiced witchcraft. We are here to cripple her and her husband,” the demons revealed, “We target them with fiery darts and bring many pains in their bodies.”


These disgusting beings wanted to cripple the both of them and brought tremendous suffering in their lives. In Jesus name, I drove these demons along with the pains and sicknesses and immediately the woman testified of feeling ZERO pain! Years of pain. Gone within minutes! We also commanded many demons out of the husband also too!


Another individual we ministered to was a Russian man and his wife. Both were set free from spirits of witchcraft. In the man, I deal with a human interject, a co-worker who was a witch, who desired to break up his marriage and to seduce him sexually. She spoke to me and was determined to stay within him.


“I want to control him; I want to seduce him,” she angrily explained to me. 


I sent her to Jesus and commanded the witchcraft demons with her to depart. Both left. So many demons left this Russian couple and both testified of feeling so much better. 


Obviously, I could go and on sharing one story after another of souls being set free. So many broken heart parts healed and bodies repaired. Suffice to say, Jesus overcame the powers of darkness and He received all the glory, the honor and praise. 


This mission is being blessed mightily with the presence of the Holy Spirit. Through all of these demonstrations we are equipping so many hundreds of souls while here in California. Not only are people being set free but they are also receiving training in the process. 


Jesus is indeed Lord over all!


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