In Sydney: Jesus Visited Me; Liberates Former Hindu from Evil Spirits

Dear Friends of Jesus ~

It’s been refreshing to be here in New South Wales in the beautiful city of Sydney. It’s been a great honor of mine to visit some of the most beautiful and livable cities on the planet including Sydney. In fact, just a few days ago, The Economist, released a list of the Most Livable Cities in the world and placed 4 of the cities (Perth, Vancouver, Sydney, Melbourne), we have ministered in recently, as the most livable cities in the world. I would concur with the list. These are great cities. However, these cities also need the ministry of deliverance and healing. Hence, me being here in Sydney, Australia. 

For more than 12 hours, yesterday, at a local Assembly of God Church, I taught from the Scriptures, prayed for the sick, witnessed hearts healed and drove out demons in Jesus name. In fact, I didn’t get home until close to 3am. It was an extraordinary, powerful public meeting. Even at the start of the meeting, Jesus, personally visited me. Allow me to explain.

A precious Indonesian couple whom are dear pastor friends of mine came to the meetings in support (In fact, I had the privilege of formally ordaining them into the ministry as pastors last year in Sydney). They ministered along with me in great power. This precious husband and wife team have been ministering deliverance to the captives and is seeing precious souls freed from demons. 

Anyway, during the praise and worship time, my sister in the Lord, who often sees into the spiritual realm, witnessed Jesus drawing near to me and placing a white robe on me. What was interesting about this was that the Lord told me I would receive a word from this woman on this very day (I did not even mention that fact to her until after her sharing of this vision).

This is quite significant; as in Revelation 7:9 speaks of the great multitude, before the Lamb of God, wearing “white robes.” I’m eternally grateful to God for being counted as His servant; as one who is honored to wear His white robes. More than anything else I want to be pleasing to God. It’s my heart to honor Him and it greatly encourage me to hear Jesus placed a white robe on me before I ministered. I had tears in my eyes; when I heard this as it bore witness to my spirit.

For many hours we ministered to those tormented by evil spirits. In the afternoon I conducted a training seminar; then in the evening I ministered deliverance to the captives. For many hours, I battled thousands of evil spirits. The usual suspects –Jezebel, Death, Baal, Freemasonry, Witchcraft and Fear. We also encountered an spiritual army of Hindu spirits, within a few former Hindus, who are now followers of Jesus.

The story is quite fascinating. The lady who was responsible for cleaning the church, prior to the Sunday services, heard about our public training seminar and deliverance service and decided to attend. Mind you, she had no idea about these meetings. See, how God was orchestrating this. This precious lady, whom I’ll refer to as Mary, I discovered, is the only Christian in her family that comprise of Hindus. She had surrendered her life to Jesus and is serious about following the Lord. This kind of commitment laid down the foundation by which we built on as we ministered deliverance to Mary. 

During the training seminar and most of the deliverance service, Mary, sat quietly, hardly experiencing anything unusual. She was able to watch, though, many powerful demonstrations of the power of God. Throughout the evening service we battled strong and aggressive demons; some were outright violent. A few ladies were thrown violently to the ground by demons; convulsing horribly. A number of demons kicked and acted out in violence. Some of the demons sought to assault me (actually they did strike me; but hardly felt anything. 

One of the ladies we ministered to had been invaded by strong spirits of death, Satanism, and ritual sacrifice. Some of these dark generational curses went back nearly 1,000 years ago.

“Her ancestors drank blood,” the invading demons revealed to me, “But that’s not all. They practiced witchcraft and were involved in human sacrifice.”

It was also discovered that some of these evil spirits had held captive a number of ancestral parts. One ancestral part was a male. He spoke through this woman (remember she is in a demonized state). Interestingly, the voice was just like a male voice. 

“I’m 52 years of age; I died of a heart attack,” the ancestral dissociative identity revealed to me, “…and no; I do not want to give my life to Jesus.”

This foreign human heart part even revealed he was born in 1864. It was also discovered that this ancestor never trusted Jesus for salvation during his earthly lifetime and still opposed Jesus (yet this woman I was ministering to loved the Lord). No wonder this woman was experiencing so many spiritual problems; as she possessed ancestral human soul parts. All of these ancestral soul parts (there was another one we spoke to that was 72 years of age; though this woman was only in her late 30’s perhaps) were sent to Jesus. Moreover, all of the demons attached to these soul parts were expelled in Jesus name. 

During this remarkable exorcism we battled many powerful demons. I called forth the holy angels and they greatly assisted me in warfare. Some of the demons tried to escape from the church. The angels restrained. They attempted to run away from me. The angels were called upon and physically moved this woman in front of me so I might minister to her. 

By the way, through the night, in a number of these exorcisms, the holy angels were called upon and they came in great power to assist me. They restrained; they struck the invading demons with their swords; they moved the demonized, physically, so I could properly minister to the victims. As these angelic interventions were taking place; I could hear some of the disciples in the crowd sigh in awe of God’s mighty power. As I often share with my friends; this is an aspect of the mission that is quite remarkable. A vast majority of our meetings are marked by holy angels attending and ministering in an tangible manner that could be seen by those watching on. It’s one thing to know the that the angels are with us (we all understand this from the Scriptures) but it’s entirely different thing to see them in action in exorcisms.

This precious disciple experienced incredible deliverance and healing as numerous parts of her broken heart were guided to Jesus. After the meeting this disciple shared of her desire to serve the Lord in the deliverance ministry and has already enrolled in our Freedom Fighter International Training Center. I believe, as she is equipped, she will go forward to reach many for Jesus. 

As we ministered through the night, many heart parts surfaced among those in the crowd and many of them even testified of seeing the risen Jesus. Moreover, we encountered other ancestral soul parts, within others, they were sent to Jesus. Others experienced physical healing too; from various kinds of pains and maladies.

During the service it should be noted as I led everyone in mass deliverance renunciation prayers; precious disciples were experiencing a measure of freedom as demons exited out of bodies through coughing, yawning, burping and through loud cries. Even well after 1am as we broke off mother’s generational curses; a half-dozen or so ladies experienced instantaneous deliverance from demons; which they testified of afterwards. In fact, one precious believer, shared with me that while she prayed along with me; she could feel the demons lift off and was excited about being FREE for the very first time in her life! Really amazing testimony. She was so happy…one could see her face shining with peace and light of Jesus!

As I mentioned earlier, a former Hindu was present in our public meeting and she was very interested in receiving ministry; however, throughout the night I didn’t notice any demons surfacing from within her. She was quite open for ministry but couldn’t sense any demonic presence in her life either. 

Towards the end of the meeting, the Holy Spirit directed me to her, as she in the very back of the meeting hall. I prayed over her.


I was just about to move on to someone else; when suddenly Kali surfaced. Ah, they had been hiding. Demons like hiding as they do not want to be driven out; especially in a public setting. Remember they are prideful beings.

Some of you might be aware Kali is a Hindu goddess worshipped by millions of Hindus throughout the world. There are temples dedicated to worshipping her. I have visited numerous Hindu Temples in Asia, South America, and in the Caribbean in evangelistic outreaches  and have seen her likeness. She is a ugly representation, within Hinduism, of the ancient spirit of Jezebel. As soon as she surfaced, from within Mary, her eyes bulged out and looked at me seductively. The eyes said it all. I have encountered Kali idols. Her eyes speak volumes. That same look, I had seen in the temples, was now seen, in Mary. Kali fully manifested. I began warring against her in the power of the Holy Spirit. 

As Mary’s body laid slumped on her chair. I called forth the holy angels of God; to pick her body off the chair and to walk towards the front of the hall. At first there was tremendous resistance. I called for more angels; finally the angels picked her up without any human aid and placed her in the front of the hall as directed. I noticed that while the holy angels pushed her; the demons were dragging their feet, literally, in an attempt to hinder. They failed. 

Now Kali was in the front. She was displayed in front of us all –as a defeated demon. She not only surfaced but so did other Hindu demon gods and goddesses: Krishna, Shiva and others. 

Shiva surfaced too, he was enraged with me. He was ready to spiritually fight me. He boldly told me: We are very strong!

Since he boasted in this; I wanted him to see that Jesus was so much stronger. The first thing I did was ask the church to raise up their Bibles as a Sword and spiritually directed their swords to Shiva and Kali. As they did Shiva and Kali groaned and moaned in agony. They had been defeated. They even confessed that Jesus was indeed Lord! So much for their power. Jesus is Lord!

How I desire to see the nearly 1 Billion Hindus witness this spiritual reality –that these so-called gods and goddesses are rather demons; defeated demons. This is why the ministry of exorcism should be demonstrated in public; so the watching world can witness the superior power of Jesus. Shiva and Kali, in fact, crumbled to the ground as the people of God used their swords against them. It was a powerful night of the exaltation of the Lord Jesus!

At one point I had Kali, Shiva and Krishna embrace my sacred cross. Just touching it made them fall back several feet unto the ground. The immense power of this CROSS is something to behold! These kinds of miracles occur all the time within our mission! I also utilized the fire of the Holy Spirit. I sprinkled some holy oil upon my hand and sprinkled in the direction of invading demons resulting in them shrieking and begging for me to cease; as they often tell me it burns them. Some of these incredible miracles are stunning. 

What an exciting time to serve Jesus. We also discovered that there were many Jezebel spirits within Mary; including many Baal demons. They boasted how they had been trying to destroy her marriage, her kids, her health and so much more. All of them were sent to the pit in Jesus name, along with all of their numerous physical and spiritual afflictions (I had her remove numerous spiritual spears and darts that they implanted within her) they had bringing into this woman’s body and soul. Jesus prevailed! 

Mary’s face spoke of peace; her smile said it all! She testified of feeling so much lighter and FREE! She will now be raised by the Lord to reach many Hindus for Jesus. God truly set this woman free and healed her broken heart. To think she was simply coming to clean the church when in reality she came to be set free by Jesus; is a amazing testimony of the sovereignty of God. 

Our time ministering to the saints was fruitful; many are now equipped. Many were refreshed. Many were freed. Many were healed from a broken heart. Several disciples came up to me during the day and were astonished at the grace of God being bestowed upon me; as I ministered for 12+ hours with hardly a break. They wondered how could I keep such a hectic mission schedule. One disciple was stunned.

“Jay, I do deliverance ministry a few times a month and it wipes me out physically and yet you do this days on end; throughout the year. Then all of your traveling on top of it! How do you do it? It’s amazing!”

I have been granted special grace; this is the truth. No man could keep this kind of schedule. More than 200-300 meetings a year; traveling more than 200+ days a year; visiting multiple continents. It’s truly Jesus within me that gives me the inner fortitude to press onward. Only if people knew the warfare I am involved in. This isn’t easy. It’s hard spiritual labor however in the midst of it I have calming peace and rest.

The powers of the enemy were put to flight here in Sydney; so many demons expelled and commanded to the abyss. Jesus was glorified above all else. Here it is the 1st of September and still in Australia carrying on the work of the mission. Today, was a beautiful day in Sydney –sunny and happy. I often stepped out in the balcony and enjoyed the gorgeous weather. Then we took the train into the city and enjoyed the evening by the harbor (click here to view picture)

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