Midnight Miracle in Melbourne; Hundreds of Thousands of Demons Expelled!

Dear Friends of King Jesus ~

After ten plus hours of training and ministry today, some of the most powerful and violent demonic spirits surfaced, at the very end of the meeting. It was a very intense spiritual battle. Hundreds of thousands of violent spirits surfaced from within a young man that sat in the very front row of the meeting hall. More on this midnight miracle in a moment.

What a night! In fact, what a day! POWERFUL! It started off with me leading everyone assembled in a training seminar. Again a great participation from those serious disciples wanting to learn more on how to minister deliverance and healing to the captives. Just before concluding the training I spent some time talking about the subject of dissociation and the means by which we can bring healing to those suffering from a broken heart. It was towards the end of the training seminar; a young lady towards the back of the meeting hall surfaced some heart parts –a 10 year old heart part surfaced. Moreover, a group of powerful death spirits surfaced. They were all expelled in Jesus name. It was a great actual demonstration on how to minister to a broken heart and how to expel demons in Jesus name. Actually, some disciples approached me afterwards and remarked how this was a wonderful means of equipping the Body of Christ. 

It was so encouraging to see so many disciples at the training seminar who were interested in obtaining information that will them to minister in power. I offered some spiritual keys that hopefully will allow them to be empowered to minister to those broken in heart and the demonized. After the training I rushed back to the hotel for a brief rest. I was able to rest some then back to the meeting hall for another public deliverance meeting. Again it was a jammed packed meeting hall; with those wanting freedom and healing. The praise and worship was deeply impactful and provided us the opportunity to have a foundation by which to build the night of ministry on. 

Almost immediately spirits of insanity, unworthiness, rejection, fear, torment, death, Jezebel, witchcraft and so many others surfaced. Throughout the night precious souls were surfacing evil spirits and heart parts. For many hours, there were so many battles to fight. A family from the Cook Islands (South Pacific Island-nation) came to the meeting terribly vexed by demonic powers. Each of them manifested very strong demons, as the night progressed, some of the demons caused a few of them to fall down to the ground, convulsing violently. Some of the spirits were quite aggressive and were holding captive numerous heart parts. They were forced to release the heart parts in Jesus name. One particular demon surfaced was quite strong. It’s name, “Witchery.” 

“I’m not leaving, I’m staying right here in this family. I have been here for more than 10 generations because of the ancestors participation in idolatry,” the spirits informed me, “We are also holding on to the formal pagan dedication rituals that were formed many generations ago.”

After having the lady renounce the generational curses; the demons were driven out in Jesus name and the hearts parts were healed and reunited. Many of them came out vomiting. Some shook their victims violently and cried out loudly. This kind of activity went on through the night. God is doing something quite special within this family from the Cook Islands –as the Holy Spirit is liberating many of them from demonic captivity. Moreover, so many heart parts surfaced and were healed and comforted by Jesus. At one point one of my sisters from the Cook Islands simply laid out on a chair soaking in the healing love of Jesus! Beautiful Jesus! Another sister was completely laid out on the ground experiencing Jesus and His comforting healing. It was beautiful to behold. Many pains, torments and afflictions were lifted off in Jesus name.

As it is often the case, many precious souls were experiencing a measure of freedom just being present in our meeting. Many demons were being cast out as prayers of renunciation were being offered –some yawning them out, some crying them out, some burping them out, some vomiting them out, some screaming them out. Demons were sent to the pit in Jesus name! Heart parts also were surfacing through the night; many of them were supernaturally healed by Jesus. 

One powerful set of demons surfaced by the name of, “War,” who boasted how he had been in the bloodline for many generations. He had gained access to the bloodlines of the family because of their participation in sorcery, occultism, and Illuminati involvement. Many blood pacts and rituals were involved that allowed the demons to gain strength over the years. I called forth the holy angels of God to come into the meeting hall to assist me in the ministry of deliverance, to strike the demons. They struck the demons and they groaned in pain. Throughout the night the holy angels assisted me in the ministry; to restrain those who would be violent. I also utilized the blood of Christ and the fire of the Holy Spirit which greatly weakened the powers of the evil. The demons of War were defeated on this night and were directly sent to the pit in Jesus name! Hordes of them entered the pit prison. 

Another disciple we ministered to was a man who had some sexual bondage’s; visiting prostitutes. As I prayed for him; a human interject surfaced; a young girl –a prostitute he had been sexually involved with. She spoke out of him.

“I like him; he was so nice to me. He treated me nicely,” the young girl said to me. 

This part didn’t really want to leave him but obviously I couldn’t allow this foreign soul part to remain so it was guided to Jesus. She left. Attached with this young prostitute was a spirit of witchcraft. It was expelled and commanded to leave his body in Jesus name. 

We also ministered to a young woman who ancestral dissociation; four of them actually. One actually spoke to me and revealed they had been taken captive by evil spirits in the year of 1806. So, this ancestral heart, has been passed down through the ancestral bloodline with the aid of demons. The ancestral part revealed they were created as a result of horrible trauma that was witnessed back in the early part of the 19th century. These ancestral parts were sent to Jesus; many of the demons attached these heart parts were commanded out of her body and mind. 

Yet, another believer, we ministered to had been invaded by animal spirits and animal soul parts as a result of their participation in bestiality. These were renounced and the animal soul parts removed in Jesus name. Moreover, the animalistic spirits were removed in Jesus name! 

Towards the end of the meeting, nearly midnight (and ending well aftermidnight) there sat to the right of me a young man who had attended a previous meeting; last year. Received some deep healing and deliverance. However, he re-opened some doors, since that time, which allowed more demons to enter within his body and mind. He came to the meeting repentant and desirous of making peace with God. This full surrender provoked the demons to great anger. 

As I approached him; demons violently surfaced from within him. They made him fall to the ground, like a wild beast. Like a dog. He was on all fours. It growled and sought to bite someone. It growled and looked at me with desiring to devour and eat someone. Very aggressive and violent spirit. As it the demon was on the ground, it looked around glancing around seeing if it could approach someone, desiring to chew on human flesh. 

I immediately called upon the holy angels of God; they quickly came and restrained the violence. Furthermore, they struck the demons with their mighty swords. The demons fell backwards and hit a nearby wall. Growling like a terribly wounded animal; I then sprinkled the fire of the Holy Spirit which further weakened the demons. I also utilized my sacred cross –which they shrieked at as they glanced at it. They cried out; screaming. I commanded the holy angels to pick up the body and to have them stand upright so I might be able to effectively minister. 

It was discovered that this young man had indeed re-open some spiritual doors that allowed these demons access into his life. Moreover, it was revealed that his condition was much worse (this is a warning Jesus clearly mentioned in Matthew 12 in regards to the reentry of evil spirits). Many hundreds of thousands of demons (such as death, madness, insanity and others gained entry) had now invaded his life; living within him. Horrible. However, in God’s great grace and love –power was bestowed upon us to rescue our brother from this torment. After the many sins were confessed; he was rescued by our great God. 

All of these violent and strong evil spirits were commanded out and sent to the pit. They came out screaming; loud cries. Jesus delivered our brother and he was now so happy; freed from the torment. He was back in his right mind; what a beautifulmidnight hour miracle! As I often share with people; make sure you stay until the very end of the meeting as you never know what will take place  as we progress on in the power of God.

I could go on and on sharing miracle story after miracle story. Amazing Jesus! Thank you for praying for our meetings. We have more meetings planned for Melbourne and encourage to be a part in Jesus name! 

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