Ordaining Freedom Fighters in Canada; Teaching in Alaska

Dear Friends of Jesus,


As an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. One sacred responsibility I have, as an apostle, that I take very seriously is being sensitive to the Holy Spirit when he raises up a man or woman to the five-fold ministry that is described in Ephesians 4:11. The list of the offices of the church is clearly denoted; the apostle Paul describes how some are called by God to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Yes, as disciples of the King; we are all called to evangelize but not all of us are called to the divine office of the prophet; for example. Some are and I need to recognize those whom have.


I have held special holy ordination services throughout the earth –in Africa, in Latin America, in the Caribbean, in Australia, throughout North America. It is an honor to do so. Well, we conducted another holy ordination service this past weekend while in Ontario, Canada. It was my privilege to ordain in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit –Pastor Ron Heres (pictured above; left side) and Evangelist Pedro da Silva (pictured above; right side) whom the Holy Spirit has raised up and I merely acknowledge the ones whom God has already ordained.


What was really special about this ordination was both of these men of God are enrolled in our Freedom Fighter International Training Center! Both of these disciples are already performing great wonders –both are casting out demons in Jesus name!


I would like to see more workers raised to carry on the work of the gospel throughout the earth. Billions of souls need to hear Jesus saves, heals and delivers! Pray for these men and for those whom God is raising up to make impact in our world.


I’m currently in Alaska, but moved on from Anchorage –a 2.5 hour drive across some beautiful terrain to the Alaskan coast where I’m currently in the village of Seward (pop. 3,000) where last night I held a small group teaching session; instructing the saints on our authority and position in Jesus Christ! One young pastor, who has only been in the ministry of a few years, was clearly impacted by the teaching.  More meetings today!

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