Chronicling the Battles in British Columbia Part I

Dear Friends of Jesus,


I’m currently in Seattle, Washington, (even last night at midnight performing a private exorcism; this work never ceases) writing this email update enjoying the much cooler weather (here it is June; nearly into Summer). It’s been a remarkable mission as we traveled into British Columbia and held a series of seminars and public meetings in Surrey, Vancouver, and Victoria. Been traveling by plane, ship and by car to various venues to minister to those suffering demonic enslavement. Some even traveled into Canada from various cities in the United States believing for a miracle; including my Russian brother, Yuri, who traveled in, desperately seeking deliverance from demons. More on his incredible story in a moment.


On the way back to Vancouver God blessed me with many smaller blessings. I was able to spend some time on the seashore in Sidney, Vancouver Island, and enjoyed the very best Halibut I have ever tasted. Then on the ship back to Vancouver God brought 5 Orca whales to the ship. They were beautiful. A few of the smaller ones even travelled alongside the ship for a few minutes too! Here’s me on the ship –loving the blast of cold Canadian sea wind! HA!


It was resting to my soul and body; enjoying the ride on the ship. While nearly everyone was down int the ship enjoying the various restaurants and shops I stayed outside to take in the magnificent surroundings.

As I briefly shared, Yuri, a young Russian man, attended our last Vancouver service with the hopes of finding freedom. Jesus provided just that! The demons were strong and with great potential of violence. God’s holy angels swiftly arrived and restrained the demons and damaged them as they struck the spirits with their holy swords –it was AWESOME to WITNESS!

The first demonic spirit that surfaced was named, Heresy.

“We have been here for hundreds of years because his ancestors participated in nature worship and spiritism,” the demons named Heresy revealed to me, “We bring deception. HA! The nature worship and the spiritism were even introduced into the church by his ancestors thus our ability to enter their blood.”

Doesn’t surprise me at all. Our churches are filled with sorcery of all forms, witchcraft and spiritism. Demons are hammering away at the church with very few people standing their ground against it. By God’s grace I WILL in Jesus name!

There were many other evil spirits within Yuri:

  • Demons of mind control
  • Spirits called Blood Sacrifice that were rooted in 400 years of human and animal sacrifices (they brought sleep apnea and other sleep disorders)
  • Spirits of Jezebel that were rooted within his generational bloodline because of the sin of abortion
  • Demon named Mammon because his ancestors sought power and wealth

Many of these demons battled me. I battled back and called upon the fire of the Holy Spirit which greatly burned the invading spirits. They groaned and moaned in defeat! Moreover, I used my CROSS of Deliverance and they couldn’t even bear it’s holy power. All of these weapons caused the demons to depart and they loudly cried out; entering into the pit in Jesus name.

After the dramatic exorcism, I placed some sacred oil upon his head and immediately Yuri began to speak in new tongues. The Holy Spirit had dramatically descended upon him and he bowed before King Jesus in love and worship. Yuri was powerfully delivered from years of demonic torment.

Not only was he freed he was also supernaturally healed of various sicknesses and afflictions. I also spoke to a little four year old dissociative identity and this little boy was healed by Jesus too.

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