Exorcism Videos from Atlanta Impacting Ukraine

Dear Friends of Jesus,


It’s great to be back in Atlanta, Georgia, where we are conducting a series of public meetings to reach those being tormented by the enemy. We taught from the Holy Scriptures, prayed for the sick and drove out demons. In the midst of the service I had the wonderful opportunity to lead a young teenager to salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. Thus far this year, in nearly every meeting, we are seeing souls coming to salvation in Jesus Christ! Our meetings are filled with the supernatural; tonight was no different. Jesus prevailed as demons screamed out of souls; as they were being cast into the pit.


We had another jammed packed meeting hall here at the Millennium Center where individuals and families gathered to receive ministry –some traveled more than 14+ hours to be present. Stunning to think about the commitment people will make to receive prayer.


One of the individuals we ministered to was named Lisa; pictured with me above. She was powerfully delivered from many demons including spirits of Baal, Jezebel, witchcraft (she was involved in the occult and sorcery for more than a decade), and many others. One strange spirit that surfaced was named, Heart Attack –there were more than 25 of these.


“I was planning on killing her this year,” the demon named Heart Attack boasted, “We do not submit to anyone; we are not leaving. We will kill her; we will bring about a heart attack.”


This demon spirit was serious. I battled back with the holy angels assisting me. The spirit contorted her body and twisted her face. I utilized the holy cross, the sacred oil and other spiritual weapons; wearing the demons down. The invading spirits greatly weakened.


I commanded all of the demons to release the many heart parts (dissociative identities) they enslaved. There were many —including a pre-natal baby, a 5 year old, a 10 year old and a 15 year old. They were all guided to Jesus for supernatural healing. The parts were even able to embrace the risen Savior and experience deep healing.


All of the demons were eventually cast into the pit in Jesus name and this precious woman encountered a beautiful liberation from the powers of hell! She testified of feeling so much and lighter. Others in the meeting hall encountered deliverance from demons and inner healing.


One fascinating testimony I heard, before I left the hall, was from a young lady, who is Ukrainian, who came to our service tonight with a powerful story that must be told. She involved in full time with a very conservative, well-known, ministry here in the United States; so obviously she has a heart for people. She attended our October 2014 Atlanta service with a friend. Her friend, last year, receives a powerful deliverance –she was freed from more than 1,000 witchcraft spirits. While I ministered to her friend; she videotaped a portion of the exorcism.


Some weeks later, this precious sister, takes the video, which captured part of the exorcism, on a mission trip to the Ukraine. While en route to Eastern Europe she receives a powerful deliverance from demons. Moreover, when she arrives into the Ukraine, she begins to share her testimony of our Atlanta meeting and of her personal deliverance. Her fellow Ukrainians are shocked to hear these miracle stores however very interested. So, they ask her to share more; she does!


As she shares her testimony she also shares the video of her friend getting freedom from demons. As she does, some are receiving deliverance from demons themselves. For example; one Ukrainian man gets freed from 6 demonic spirits as a direct result of the videos. Others are getting freedom from evil spirits.


She has now allowed many Ukrainians to views our many videos and a result revival is breaking out in some of the villages. She even inquired about me traveling to the Ukraine to conduct training seminars and public services to help her Ukrainian friends find healing and freedom in Christ!


Doors are opening to this mission. Ukraine, Papa New Guinea, and other nations are opening up this mission in some extraordinary ways. Jesus is wanting to set the captives free! God is using our videos in some powerful ways. I have dozens of exorcism videos that will be released in coming days that will impact many around the world.


Think about it –because of your support– our actual exorcism videos are impacting Ukrainian villages and as a result of watching some of them, they are now encountering freedom, as demons are pouring out of lives. It all started when this woman took upon herself to videotape her friend’s deliverance, in our last Atlanta meeting, then to show the exorcism taping to some Ukrainian Christian groups –resulting in other souls being exorcised of demons!

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