King Jesus Triumphant Over Haitian Voodoo Demons, Human Interjects Threatens to Kill Me!

Dear Friends of Jesus —


Well after 4am and still in awe of the move of the Holy Spirit tonight here in New England. Trust me it was a war battling many strong and aggressive demons that held so many in captivity. Jesus prevailed as many souls encountered a measure of deliverance and healing. Even a few souls surrendered  to the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation.


For nearly 8 hours I taught from the Holy Scriptures and prayed for those afflicted with demons. Precious souls traveled in from all over New England to receive ministry. One family I ministered to was a Haitian family whom had been terribly tormented by demon powers. The mother, pictured with me above, manifested very strong demons; spirits of death and voodoo. As soon as they surfaced, they caused her to slid down on the floor and slithered around like a snake. At point they slithered all the way towards the back of the church sanctuary behind all of the chairs. I had the people of God assist me in commanding these vile spirits to obey. They obeyed and were brought to the front to be dealt with. 

Turns out this precious mother had participated in voodoo rituals as a young girl; as her family was immersed in the practices of witchcraft and voodoo while on the island-nation of Haiti. I have made multiple trips, including a mission into Haiti last year, and have witnessed first hand the effects of voodoo on a society. Haiti is, perhaps, the only modern nation, that actually, formally dedicated their land to Satan. So many Haitians have been demonized since birth because of their ancestors participation in voodoo blood rituals and sacrifices. In our many meetings in Haiti we have witnessed many thousands delivered from demons however. The powers of voodoo are quite real but we have always witness Jesus conquering the spirits of darkness. 

We witnessed this reality, once again, here in a deliverance service, in the Boston area, where this precious mother was released from a lifetime of torment and spiritual trouble. The many voodoo spirits that surfaced were commanded out and sent to the pit. This woman was dramatically set free by King Jesus! She not only encountered deliverance from demons but also experienced a deep healing of her heart. 

Another woman we ministered to, as the service progressed, was another mother (her daughter, whom surrendered to Jesus in my last meeting here, is pictured with me above). This mother, in her 40’s, had many thousands of demons within her; including many Hindu and Islamic spirits. They surfaced and spoke to me. They convulsed her body and growled at me. At one point, a human interject surfaced –her ex-husband– surfaced and threatened to kill me. He was so angry with me; actually furious with me for daring to confront him. 

This interject was sent out and sent back to Jesus. Moreover, the demons attached to him were also sent out in Jesus name! Along with this human interject were many dissociative identities that I spoke to (they were guided to Jesus for healing and were able to witness the appearance of the risen Savior). There were also several ancestral dissociative identities that were sent to Jesus too. Many pains, afflictions, torments, spiritual darts, and sicknesses were removed from this woman in the name of Jesus! This mother testified of encountering a great healing afterwards.


The very last group of evil spirits we confronted were some Hindu spirits named Kali. This bloodthirsty Hindu goddess (a demon) revered by many millions of Hindus around the globe spoke to me and acknowledged that Jesus was indeed Lord over all! These many thousands of Hindu spirits were sent to the pit in Jesus name. As you can imagine this woman was peaceful and happy to know God had cured her from such horrific demonic oppression.


Many others experienced deliverance from demons and were supernaturally healed of a broken heart. I’m deeply humbled by God’s holy presence and look forward to returning back to New England later in the year.

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