Powerful Wonders in Atlanta

Dear Friends of Jesus,


OUR LAST SERVICE LASTED NEARLY 10 HOURS! I left the meeting hall after midnight; after teaching and casting out demons for more than 7 hours so I could get some rest. However, for another 3 hours, our mission team, prayed for the sick and drove out demons in Jesus name. Many more miracles took place during those 3 hours. I’m a big believer in delegating. Get the Body of Christ more involved. In too many churches, the Body of believers, are rarely involved in the work of the gospel. We have equipped the Body of Christ to carry on the works of Jesus so we our work multiplying in so many ways.


You might recall me sharing how a precious Ukrainian disciple of the Lord, named, Nadia, attended one of our services last year, was deeply I’m deeply impacted due to her friend being powerful delivered from more than 1,000 witchcraft demonic spirits. She was herself freed from generational curses. Soon thereafter, while on a mission trip to the Ukraine, she introduced a number of disciples to this work of the gospel resulting in many being liberated from demons. To get a glimpse of this beautiful work of the Holy Spirit be sure to view the video testimony posted above in the header.


These last two missions in Atlanta, Georgia and Houston, Texas, have been phenomenal. Hundreds have been impacted as a result of these two missions. Many thousands of demonic spirits have been expelled, maladies cured and hearts healed. The wonders of God have been on full display for all to witness.


One wonder that took place this last weekend that deeply touched my heart involved a precious sister named Lisa who is pictured with me above. In the midst of the service, while our my friend, pastor Robert Jones, was praying over her, the demons surfaced and threw her onto the ground. I asked everyone to step aside and not to touch her. I asked for the holy angels of God to pick her up and carry her up to the front of the meeting hall so we could properly minister to her.


Within seconds, the mighty angels of God carried this woman to the front without any human aid. It was very interesting as they (the demons within this woman) got closer to the front of the hall they could sense the tangible presence of God and they immediately fell to the ground in a prostrated position. No doubt, they could feel the the Lord Jesus in the hall and were bowing to His Lordship. Amen.


I then proceeded to minister deliverance to this woman. Within her were a number of powerful Jezebel spirits; hell bent on destroying her. I confronted these spirits in the name of Jesus and were able to expel them to the pit. She collapsed to the ground and she experienced an amazing deliverance and healing. Immediately, she testified of feeling so much peace and joy. Her smile said it all!


There were so many beautiful wonders taking place in which I give God the praise for. Some exciting testimonies are arriving. Allow me to share one brief one with you:


“Jay–We want to be sure that you know how much we truly do appreciate all you did for us! And all you allow the Lord to do thru you! Steve said to tell you thank you so much for helping him get delivered from what he didn’t even know he had! And I thank you for that too! I hope you realize what a blessing you are! Thank you (and your family and crew) for GIVING so much of your life to please the Lord and help other’s gain freedom and knowledge and wisdom in the area of deliverance! So many people are unknowingly in bondage and it’s such a shame that more churches/pastors do not and/or will not teach on that topic. We need to be praying that men & women of God will have the blinders removed form their eyes! It was definitely an eye opener for us! For example, I knew some stuff about renouncing and deliverance but I had no idea that when you anoint the hands that the demon can actually see real fire from God and stuff like that…Powerful!”

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