San Antonio: Islamic, Mormon & Masonry Demons Defeated

Dear Friends of Jesus —


Again well after 4am and still marveling at the work of the Holy Spirit in our midst here in humid San Antonio, Texas. It’s been several years since I last held a public meeting and was happy to be back. Though we were small in number God prevailed over the powers of darkness. Our public meeting in Austin, tonight, is expected to be small too so make plans on attending as we will be able to help you in Jesus name!


Right up until midnight I ministered to a young woman by the name of Britney (pictured with me; post deliverance smile). She’s 24 years of age and came to the service with her boyfriend who was very supportive of her deliverance tonight. As I began to pray over her, numerous evil spirits surfaced and contorted her body and twisted her legs.


“We have been here for dozens of generations,” the demons boasted to me, “Her ancestors practiced baby sacrifices and worshipped other gods.”


So essentially these demonic spirits had been tormenting her family bloodline for, perhaps, more than 1,000+ years. We also discovered Britney had been invaded by powerful spirits of Freemasonry –her ancestors participated in the dark arts of the secret society. Not only Freemasonry but also Mormonism (which borrowed many of their rituals from Masonry).


“We cause her respiratory problems, allergies, nightmares, back pains, feet pain, depression, sorrow, heaviness and emotional bondage,” the spirits of Freemasonry revealed to me, “We placed many darts within her back to torment her!”


Turned out there were in fact many satanic darts within her –one of our attendees counted more than 120 of these satanic darts that the demons pulled out –as commanded in Jesus name. 120 satanic darts! No wonder Britney was racked with terrible pain.


Not only was Freemasonry present; there were many more such as Jezebel, Baal, witchcraft, death, fear and tormenting spirits. All of these demons were holding onto to the fact that her ancestors participated in blood sacrifices and worshipped other gods (demons). Not only were there many demons there were also many dissociative identities –they were sent to Jesus for healing. There were also many ancestral dissociative identities too. Moreover, there were a handful of human interjects whom I spoke with:

  • Anam –a young Muslim man who befriended Britney on a recent trip to Israel (Britney traveled to Israel alone). He was present within her because of her soul tie with him. He confessed to me: “I’m here to control her; to have sex with her.”
  • Jerry –another young man who dabbled into the occult and used a lust ritual to gain access to her in attempt to have sex with her.
  • Robert –another young man who worked at a Christian bookstore with her that masqueraded as a “Christian” in an attempt to seduce the young women that worked at this store. He was there to control her and eventually to have sex with her.
  • Dan –yet another young man she met in Israel who emotionally attached to her with hopes of establishing a relationship with her.

Each human interject (a foreign soul part) had attached to themselves demon powers. In the case of the young Arab, Anam, he brought with him a number of Islamic spirits that I spoke to and drove out in Jesus name! Some of these human interjects had attached with themselves various kinds of witchcraft demons. All of them were driven out in Jesus name!


Think about the implication for a moment of human interjects. There are BILLIONS who have these human interjects operating with their souls; most unaware too! Thus many are being tormented not only by demons but also by these human interjects. We are bettering the quality of life of so many thousands of souls as we offer deliverance from demons and DEEP inner healing.  We are on the forefront in exposing the Body of Christ to these spiritual realities.


Not only were these human interjects removed (Britney had no idea she had these men within her soul) but commanded all of these demons out of her body and soul in Jesus name! They battled us some –I called forth the holy angels and they assisted me and the power of the fire of the Holy Spirit greatly weakened them. 

As the demons entered the pit, Britney lit up with the light and peace of Jesus! Amazing! She began to speak in new tongues and testified of God’s healing power –she said she could no longer feel any pain nor torment. Also, she removed her contacts and her eyesight improved and cleared up some. She was so happy and promised to serve Jesus for the rest of her life! 

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