Threatened with Crucifixion, Witches Visit Me, Jesus Wins

Dear Friends of Jesus,


In recent days I have received a few death threats including one from overseas whereby a demon possessed individual threatened me with death by crucifixion. Horrible. But, as the picture above so effectively displays I am hiding in the shadow of the CROSS of JESUS — where there is victory over the powers of hell.


Just days after the death threat I was speaking at our first evening seminar in Dallas when suddenly two young ladies in the back of the meeting hall began to laugh, mock and disrupting the service. Both claimed to be Christians however they were very disruptive. Others picked up on it and were wondering why they came to the meeting. I wondered the same thing.


During the service, one of the ladies suddenly leaves and waits outside the door until the meeting ends. Odd. After the service the ladies challenge me on some spiritual warfare issues. I turn to the Scriptures and they are dumbfounded and do not respond. They leave.


Unknown to me these two ladies sought out two different men in the building and inquired if they could pray over them. These two men consented to the laying upon of hands. The next night, both men shared their encounters with these ladies and reported how they felt they slid into more bondage as a result of their laying upon of hands. Moreover, the wife of one of the men, revealed that she was visited by these two ladies in a nightmare she had that night. She reported it was around 4am when the nightmare transpired.


Fast forward to the last service in Dallas. The lady, whom I’ll refer to as Linda, who was visited by the two “Christians,” manifested powerful demons –Jezebel, Death, Mammon, Witchcraft and Moloch. Witchcraft and Jezebel revealed much.


“HA! Some of us are in those ladies that came to your meeting the other night!,” the spirits confessed to me, “They have been deceived and they are  working in conjunction with us.”

Many of us discerned this already but this confirmed for us that these two ladies were masquerading as “Christians,” but were being filled with the powers of witchcraft. This is why the Body of Christ must be very careful in whom they allow to lay hands upon them for prayer. Me, personally, I do not allow anyone to lay hands upon me. Only a few trusted friends and my wife. You must be cautious too. There is an invasion of witches within the church we must watch for —many with the spirits of Jezebel.


Linda manifested strong and aggressive demons. They spoke to me and early on threatened me. In fact, the demon of death, growled and contorted her face and limbs grotesquely.


“I will KILL you!” the demon warned me, “and we will kill her.”


As they warned me they began to chock her in an attempt to kill her. We battled back in the name of Jesus. Her husband joined me in this intense confrontation and we spoke life to his wife.


“We hold many babies as her ancestors killed many of them in rituals,” spirits of Moloch boasted, “We go back many generations as her ancestors practiced witchcraft and desired death.”


I commanded the demons to release the babies (many ancestral baby heart parts); they obeyed. As we battled the demons; they fiercely battled back. They twisted her limbs in strange positions and growled at me. I called forth the holy angels of God and they swiftly arrived to assist me.


I asked them to strike the demons. They did. The demons groaned and were in great pain as the holy angels thrusted their swords into their spiritual bodies. At one point more powerful spirits surfaced and challenged me.


“We have too many powers, our powers are GREAT, you have never dealt with these kinds of powers before,” the spirits warned me.


Since they wanted to challenge the power of God, I brought out my CROSS of DELIVERANCE! They quickly changed their mind. They didn’t really want to fight anymore. HA!


I commanded the demons to embrace the CROSS. They had tremendous difficulty doing so. I asked the holy angels to raise their hands and grasp the cross and as the demons did they were utterly defeated and cried out in defeat!


“Your power is greater. Jesus is indeed Lord,” they now confessed!


WOW! What a demonstration of the power of God in action for all to see! Jesus prevailed and loosed Linda after decades of satanic bondage. Many heart parts were guided to Jesus and after the demons were commanded into the pit –Linda resurfaced. She testified of being pain free!


Her husband shared with the audience that for “decades” his wife had suffered from various kinds of pains. Doctors were baffled. Jesus had healed her! Amazing Jesus!


After Linda’s powerful exorcism we continued on with the ministry. A lady in the back of the hall manifested strong and violent demons. They punched her with her fists, they flung two chairs, they hit the wall and were very vocal in their disgust with me.


I battled back however it was an violent battle. The first group of demons that surfaced were named “Incest,” who had enslaved this woman for years. They held her in captivity and the broken heart parts. The heart parts were loosed and after a long struggle the spirits of incest pronounced their doom and were sent to the pit! There’s much more to deal with however Jesus provided this woman with freedom from sexual perversion!

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