Walked in with Death, Left with Life

Dear Friends of Jesus,


Thank you my friends for standing with me in prayer support. After the previous night of ministry I was sadden that the enemy struck us in such a manner where we were prevented from assisting souls in finding freedom in Jesus! I am happy to report your prayers were answered, resulting in souls finding relief and supernatural healing in Jesus name.


There was much more liberty to teach and minister last night at the Concordia Lutheran Church, here in Perth, Australia, then the previous night. A number of souls experienced the power of Jesus in healing and deliverance. One lady we ministered to, pictured with me above, came to the meeting so unhappy and tortured. There was abuse, witchcraft, addictions and all forms of bondage. My heart went out to her. I just knew Jesus would touch her with His love and peace.


There was so much grief, sorrow and pain deep within her. Much of it surfaced while I prayed for her. Including a number of little girls –dissociative identities– that held onto so much pain and hurt. They were quickly guided to Jesus for healing. Then I confronted the many demons within this woman. The spirits of death had been in her bloodline for many generations. He spoke to me.


“We have been here since she was in her womb,” the demons of death informed me, “We have been trying to kill her!”


The evil spirits revealed all of the pain, suffering, sicknesses and havoc they had brought into her life. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I commanded all of the demons and all of the pains they had brought into her life to come out of her body. They left and flew into the pit. Immediately she was glowing with life, she was happy! The demons were gone and she was set free!


This woman was terribly demonized when she walked into the sanctuary. No joy. No peace. No life. After her deliverance, joy came back into her life and you could SEE it! Glance at that above picture again. In fact, she was staggering around with so much joy.


“I feel like I’m drunk, I’m so happy!,” she told me as she laughed and laughed.


She was so happy. She fell to the ground and just soaked in the presence of God. I know the Lord was pleased.

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