Jesus Appeared, Electrifying the Crowd in Dallas!

Dear Friends of Jesus,


It’s wonderful to be back in the great state of Texas this evening as we conducted another extremely powerful seminar. The powers of the age to come were on full-display tonight! We had it all this evening –miracles of salvation, healing, deliverance and other extraordinary wonders that caused everyone to be awe of the power of God. 


The response was staggering. We need to come back to Dallas before too long. As many of you know, I have spent considerable time in the Dallas area over the years, ministering the gospel. In fact, over a period of a few years, here in Dallas, I was hosting public deliverance services at one of the largest Salvation Army chapels in the world where we witnessed many hundreds being set free from evil spirits and miraculously healed. Many of our services there were jammed packed and filled with spectacular miracles. 


Tonight, was spectacular too! Let’s start with the story of Jose, pictured with me above. The meeting had already started and was introducing everyone when Jose came in and joined our public gathering. We discovered that Jose had no idea why he was at the meeting and wasn’t from the Dallas area. In fact, he was on a business trip and staying at the hotel as a guest however he heard some of our conservation as he walked down the hallway and decided to be a part. We welcomed him.


Turns out, Jose is not even a Christian but a genuine seeker of God. He heard the good news of Jesus during the service and he opened up his heart to the love of God. Jose was so ready for Jesus. I was honored to lead him to salvation in Jesus Christ! Everyone welcomed him to the family of God and he was filled with love, joy and peace. You could really see it on his face. 


Jose stays for the entire 5+ hour service (I stayed another hour afterwards ministering). Here is a man who just came to Jesus Christ and yet he hungered for the power of God, so he stayed and was extremely blessed as a result. He witnessed many miracles including seeing a young lady who was sitting in the back of the meeting hall being miraculously cured of various ailments and afflictions.


Speaking of this young lady (pictured with me below). She was powerfully set free from demonic spirits. As I approached her, many thousands of demonic spirits surfaced and battled me. I asked for the holy angels to come and to assist me. The holy angels came into the meeting hall and swiftly brought this young woman to the front so I could minister to her. Many demons of Jezebel and Lucifer surfaced.


“We have been here for 7 generations because her ancestors participated in witchcraft and idolatry,” the demons informed me, “We also caused her depression, oppression and physical pains.”


We discovered that she had been suffering from physical pains for a long time, especially in her legs and feet. As I commanded the demons to depart, her pains dramatically left her too. She testified of feeling NO MORE PAIN! Jesus cured her of this aliment. 


Moreover, we also reached out to a few parts of her broken heart and they were restored and supernaturally healed by Jesus. In fact, they were able to SEE Jesus. They described the amazing heavenly light and comforting healing that took place as a result. It was incredible to hear the vivid descriptions and the raw emotions being displayed as souls described seeing Jesus during our service tonight.


So many people in our meetings are SEEING JESUS! Not in all of our meetings but in many of our services, numerous people are reporting of seeing the risen Savior! Tonight, a few people encountered the Savior and were deeply impacted by the extraordinary experience.


This young lady was set free from demons, her broken heart was healed, she was able to SEE Jesus, was physically cured of all pains, and was ministered to by holy angels. Furthermore, we also extracted a soul invader from within her (her very own mother who practiced witchcraft). This woman had no idea her very own mother was within her! Staggering.


Stop here. This is so hard-to-believe. Nearly. Every. Meeting. We are seeing this –the surfacing of soul invaders. This year has been unique in this regard as we have encountered many hundreds of people with this within their lives. It’s simply challenging for me to grasp the significance of this. But the truth of the matter is, it’s happening! We must intervene and offer healing and deliverance in Jesus name!


This young woman was liberated by the power of God tonight and she reported of feeling no more pains in her body! LOVE IT! I’m looking forward to sharing more very soon as many more miracles took place.



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