Loving San Diego: Leading Souls to Jesus, Performing Exorcisms & Healing the Sick!

Dear Friends of Jesus,


I’m very encouraged by what transpired these past few days here in San Diego, California, where we have conducted a series of seminars with the hopes of freeing souls from the powers of Satan. Jesus blessed our meetings with His favor and I am grateful to be able to be part of what God did this weekend.


I just love doing ministry here –leading people to Jesus, performing exorcisms and seeing the sick supernaturally cured. It’s one of my favorite cities to conduct a deliverance mission; as we always witness some fabulous miracles take place. Also, I, personally, feel so much love here from the people who support us and pray for us –like from this dear brother (pictured with me above) who was so deeply impacted by the series of miracles that took place. He has personally told me he was looking forward to becoming part of our international training center ( see ifreedomfgighter.org for more information ) as he desires to cast out demons too. I’m just humbled to be a part of the family here. 


The past few nights we had a pretty good turnout for our seminars and souls were set free by Jesus. In fact, earlier this evening, several more souls were won to Jesus Christ. We have been seeing so many miracles of salvation on this Californian mission. Exciting to see hearts opened to the gospel message!


Others encountered the power of God. One lady was set free from spirit husbands and many other kinds of sex spirits. Another lady, I ministered to, had been invaded by spirits of Jezebel, death, defeatism, and many spirits named Satan.


“We have been here for thousands of years of years because her family participated in the occult and witchcraft,” the demons revealed to me, “Nobody ever confronted us, until now!”


Astonishing confession. Sad. It’s horrible to think that for thousands of years, no-one ever attempted to stop the demonic bondage that was being transmitted from one generation to the next. I was determined to intervene.


As the demons were being stopped and commanded out of the lady’s body and mind, she immediately reported feeling zero pain. She was miraculously healed from YEARS of physical pain! Amazing Jesus!


She looked so different. Transformed as a result of her encounter with the risen Savior. No more pain or torment. GONE! Jesus is able to do this, my friends! Take all of your pains and torments. You can be cured of your demonic afflictions. We witnessed numerous miracles tonight resulting in many being encouraged and inspired as a result –like my friend, Ernest, pictured above.


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