San Francisco: Dazzling Miracles & Spectacular Wonders!

Dear Friends of Jesus,


The miracles we witness are dazzling, spectacular and awe-inspiring. I just concluded another seminar here in San Francisco, California, and I’m humbled to be part of this miraculous movement as we take these Supernatural Jesus seminars across the world –where souls are being won to Christ, bodies repaired, hearts healed and demons expelled.


As some of you know we like ministering in dark areas of the world where the gospel is opposed –in Islamic nations, in voodoo-drenched countries, and in areas that are controlled by strong satanic powers such as here in San Francisco, California.


Many ministries avoid San Francisco. I enjoy coming here (will be returning in early part of 2017) and seeing people changed by the power of God. Over the many years we have been conducting missions here we have witnessed some amazing miracles of souls being transformed by Jesus! Tonight, was no different. Some individuals and families traveled many hours to be present and to participate. Though we were small in number God performed some dazzling and spectacular wonders in our midst, including seeing this young lady miraculously healed of blindness. Allow me to share.


Jacqueline came with a friend and was powerfully set free. She had never been involved in a deliverance meeting so all of this was new to her. She knew she had some spiritual problems but didn’t think it was anything like this –deep demonic bondage, soul invasion and ancient ancestral curses.


As I prayed for her, many demons surfaced including Jezebel, death, witchcraft and suicide. Jezebel was boastful to me and laughed:


“We have been here for more then 30 generations,” Jezebel revealed to me, “Her ancestors participated in sacrifices which allowed us to enter the bloodline.”


Jezebel wasn’t alone however. Jacqueline also had two soul invaders –a university professor (who sent her a witchcraft spell) and a family member (who also sent her a witchcraft spell). Stunning to think of the mass numbers of disciples being bewitched at some level. Both of these soul invaders spoke to me and were forced out in the name of Jesus!


Moreover, these destructive demons were commanded into the abyss in the name of Jesus. One group of demons confessed to bringing an element of blindness to her, requiring her to wear glasses.


“Are you attached to the optical nerve,” I inquired?


“No, we simply cover her eyes,” the demons confessed to me.


In the name of Jesus, I removed the spiritual covers off of her eyes and commanded all of the demons out of her eyes. Immediately, she could SEE clearly and suddenly she could hear the Holy Spirit speak to her –You are HEALED!


LOVE IT! She began to test her healing and she was able to read signs in the meeting hall from far distances that she would not be able to read previously without the aid of her glasses. No more glasses for Jacqueline –see her brand new face without glasses! She looks beautiful without them! I’m holding them as she no longer needs them. Her eyes glistened with Jesus joy! 


More miracles took place. I’ll be sharing more in the days to come however, another young lady (pictured with me below) was miraculously healed of all physical pains. She was so happy too! She looked kind of surprised to see how swiftly Jesus took her pains away! LOVE IT!

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