University Student Freed & Surgeon Witnesses Exorcism in New Zealand

Dear Friends of Jesus,


We have witnessed some phenomenal signs and wonders on this mission to Australia and New Zealand. Remarkable. Astounding. Stunning. We have witnessed those with elements of blindness, deafness and muteness miraculously cured. Many supernaturally healed of various kinds of sicknesses and diseases and numerous individuals freed from afflictions and pains. In fact, we have witnessed a number of souls free from decades of physical pain since our mission started back in early August.


Decades! That’s astounding to think people have suffered for so long without any spiritual intervention. The modern day church, in Western societies, have largely been sleeping. We have the authority and power to heal the sick, to raise the dead and to drive out evil spirits but so few are actually doing it.


Last night, here in New Zealand’s largest city, Auckland, we conducted a public seminar where we ministered to those terribly afflicted by demons. One young lady we ministered to was this young beautiful lady named Jarnah (pictured with me above, post deliverance). She was deeply impacted by the ministry of casting out of demons. As I began to pray over her, numerous evil spirits surfaced in SHOCK! With intensity in the eyes, numerous spirits of Jezebel surfaced.


The spirits looked around and could see the many holy angels I was calling into the meeting hall. Many holy angels arrived and greatly assisted me. In fact, some of the holy angels brought out their mighty swords and struck the demons within Jarnah. The demons groaned and were in agony. The demons fell to the ground, bowing before King Jesus! They had been defeated.


“We bring cancer, arthritic pain, diabetes, mental illness, insanity, and witchcraft,” Jezebel revealed to me, “We have been here a very long time in her family bloodline.”


The many demons submitted to Christ and released a soul invader that was living within her –her very own mother! Because of her involvement in witchcraft this allowed her to invade her daughter. I commanded the mother to go to God and forced all of the demons out of her in the name of Jesus Christ! The demons released her and Jarnah was powerfully healed. She testified of feeling no more pain and feeling so much lighter. In fact her mother sent me a email earlier and testified:


“Hi Jay, firstly I want to personally thank you for your incredible support and prayer time you gave to my daughters and I. They are all feeling so much freer and happy. Your teachings on soul invasion last night was enlightening to say the least. Reminds me how much I relish learning and expanding my knowledge to bring freedom to the broken hearted. I would like to host meetings in Wellington in February when you return. When you have dates let me know. I feel very strongly that the Lord wants deliverance for many in NZ along with the teachings.”

This is very encouraging to hear. Yes, we will return in New Zealand, by God’s grace, in February/March, and will plan a series of seminars and public meetings at that time in multiple cities –Wellington, Christchurch, Auckland and others. 

Speaking of these other cities we were in another city south of Auckland earlier today. We had to travel 3 hours, round trip, to conduct a private ministry session, with a family desperate for deliverance and healing. About a month or so ago, a surgeon, contacted me requesting urgent intervention for his family as they had been experiencing horrible hauntings in their home.

When we arrived, we discovered the home was indeed haunted. We felt the strange demonic presences in the various rooms of their home. We also encountered localized demonic foul odors that could be described as something burning and a smoke-like smell. It was very localized smell and after inviting the presence of the Holy Spirit in the room, the foul satanic odors disappeared. 

As I began to pray for the mother numerous demonic spirits surfaced from within her. The first? Take a wild guess. Yep. Jezebel. She smiled and laughed only the way she can. I bound her in the name of Jesus. She submitted to God.


“We are here to bring torment, sickness, diseases, pains and the hauntings,” Jezebel revealed to me, “We have been here a long time. Her mother was a witch and her grandfather in the occult.”


Very interesting. It was true. Her mother participated in necromancy (usage of ouija boards and seances). She also delved into other forms of witchcraft and forced the children to get involved.


“We told her that more people she got involved, the more money we would give her,” Jezebel told me, “We tricked her. She started using the ouija boards and because of her desire to obtain riches she used it more.”


So, not only was Jezebel there but also the spirits of Mammon. Along with Mammon were many demonic entities named Witchcraft and a strongman named Lucifer.


Lucifer surfaced and battled me however the CROSS of Jesus was too much for him to bear and he was defeated by King Jesus. Lucifer was rooted in her grandfather’s involvement in Freemasonry. How many times have I heard that? Thousands upon thousands of times. Freemasonry equates into Satanism. Case close. What a diabolical religious system that I am grateful to be freed from by the power of Jesus and Him alone.


All of these wicked spirits were driven out of the entire family. Moreover, this mother had her cousin within her (due to some sexual abuse) and her very own mother who was a witch at one point –she was commanded out in the name of Jesus!


Furthermore, many heart parts and ancestral heart parts surfaced and spoke to me. They were also guided to Jesus for healing. This woman encountered a incredibly powerful deliverance and healing –on multiple levels. After her liberation she testified of feeling ZERO physical pain. For years she suffered from various kinds of pains –now she was miraculously healed by Jesus!


What we are seeing is VERY special —so many young people being SET FREE by Jesus and a desire to serve Jesus for the rest of their lives! This is my heart to see spiritual armies rise up to preach Jesus, heal the sick and cast out demons! We are seeing it take place before our very own eyes!

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