Witch Boasted: I Can Fly!

Dear Friends of Jesus,


It’s been a hectic few weeks of intense traveling criss-crossing the North American continent. The past several days I have been conducting a series of seminars in Baltimore, Maryland. Those meetings were explosive and fruitful. I’m now in Vancouver, British Columbia, on the opposite side of the continent, about to conduct a series of extensive seminars and services, in multiple cities, with the hopes of reaching many for King Jesus. Be sure to join us starting tomorrow in Burnaby (Vancouver area).


While in Baltimore we witnessed incredible supernatural acts of God. We witnessed the superior powers of Jesus at work. We were able to taste of the powers of the age to come ( see Hebrews 6:5 and the new teaching below on this subject). We also observed that the enemy has some power too but nothing like our powers.


While ministering to a young lady who traveled in from Massachusetts we discovered not only did she have many demons within her but also many soul invaders including some witches and warlocks who were hell-bent on controlling and destroying this woman. They surfaced and boasted of their supernatural demonic powers as if their powers were somehow superior to ours in Christ.


“HA! I have many powers,” the demonized witch warned me, ” I CAN FLY! HA!”


She jerked her head backwards and laughed hysterically when she mentioned this spiritual capability she possessed. No mistake about it –witches do fly. What she is, probably, referring to, is the supernatural ability to soul travel. Perhaps she was also boasting of the ability to translocate in the body. Irregardless she was boasting of these abilities in an attempt to impress me. She picked the wrong person to try to impress.


I have seen the DEAD RAISED BACK TO LIFE! Multitudes, in our meetings, have SEEN the RISEN JESUS! I have witnessed tens of thousands of demons being expelled from bodies and minds! I have SEEN multitudes being cured of various diseases and infirmities. I have watched the lame walk! I have seen blind eyes opened, the mute speak, the defeat hear! Moreover, I have seen objects and animal parts removed out of human bodies. I have seen holy angels pick people off the ground and pin them to a building, levitating off the ground and so many more extraordinary feats of Jesus!


Moreover, I have seen Jesus forgive sin, grant eternal life, bestow joy, peace and love to hopeless people. I’m not, at all, impressed when a witch boasts they can fly—compared to what I have seen– it’s nothing. Jesus IS superior. He is God.


However, the witch did battle me. I calmly told it –this soul invader– to leave. It resisted and said: “NO! I’m not leaving!”


I didn’t get nervous or doubted the power of God. I just simply understood I needed to battle some more with this demonized soul invader who gained access to this woman years ago when she participated in witchcraft and sorcery. So, I placed some anointing oil on my hand and felt the fire of God and placed it on the witch’s hand.


She SCREAMED in AGONY! The Holy Spirit fire that was placed on her hand was clearly having an affect. She didn’t know what to do. She tried to shake it off and tried to wipe it off. I laughed and told the witch it wasn’t coming off. She was shocked and confessed the powers of Christ were in fact superior! HA!


She departed along with the many demons inside this woman! She was powerfully set free! Another woman freed from dark powers was the young lady pictured with me above. She came to our second seminar and she manifested some powerful demonic spirits. They screamed so loudly, I thought for sure we would be removed from the conference hall by the hotel staff. Thankfully, God protected us.


Many demons surfaced and aggressively battled me. I fought back in Jesus name! They froze her body and tried to hinder her from coming to the front. I called upon the holy angels of God and they swiftly arrived and helped me move this young lady’s body to the front. Demons rose up within her and spoke to me.


“It’s me…JEZEBEL!” the demon power revealed to me, “I keep her bound in sickness and pain! I hinder her and hold her spiritual gifts!”


I discovered that this young lady had been in physical pain for years –the pains were all over her body. It was as a result of this indwelling evil spirit named Jezebel. We discovered that Jezebel had entered her generational bloodline and was causing havoc from one generation to the next. Fortunately, we were able to intervene and drive these demons out of this woman and she was freed and miraculously healed of all physical pain! She testified of feeling no more pain! 


Furthermore, we located some little heart parts within her –little girls that were hurt and in deep pain. We were able to send them to Jesus and they were comforted and healed by God. She had no idea that within her were little children. Most people don’t have any clue about these other realities within their lives. I am grateful to God we were able to intervene and this young disciple of Jesus was miraculously healed by the Savior!

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