Blessed to Witness the Extraordinary in Orlando, Florida!

It’s been an beautiful time here in Florida. I just concluded some ministry meetings, earlier this evening, here in the city of Orlando, where last night we conducted another powerful “Supernatural Jesus Seminar.” During the seminar we were blessed to witness the extraordinary powers of the Holy Spirit. In fact, someone reported this:

“Amazing deliverance performed by Jay Bartlett, at the Hampton Inn, in Orlando Florida. I feel more then blessed to witness what happened there yesterday. He was saved, reborn again and delivered by evil spirits. To God be all the honor, glory and the power!!! I am more than grateful!”

All glory to the King of Kings, I say. I stood before an attentive crowd last night (great turnout too) and proclaimed the victory of Jesus Christ! After leading everyone in Holy Communion, I ministered to those in the audience. Demons were expelled in Jesus name. Then the Holy Spirit directed me to this young man. He had been victimized by Santeria and the occult.

Last night, we discovered, many in the hall, had been targeted by witchcraft powers. One man, who attended our seminar, had been involved in more then 50 satanic animal sacrifices! This young man, named Manny, had been targeted by some witches who sought his destruction. They had invaded him.

These soul invaders were commanded out in Jesus name. Moreover, the demons attached to these inner witches were also expelled in Jesus name. The demons battled me and sought to keep him. At first it was a intense spiritual struggle. The evil demons were really trying to hinder his deliverance. At one point, he confessed that he had never been born again by the Spirit of the Living God (see John 3 about this born again experience). I shared the gospel. He was interested in repenting of his sins and turning to Jesus as Lord and Savior, he was gloriously saved and rescued by God.

Moments later, we ministered to him and many demons surfaced and revealed much:

“We came in because his ancestors participated in witchcraft,” the evil spirits confessed, “We have been in his bloodline and his ancestors for more then 50-generations! We blind him with lies”

My friends, we are speaking of thousands of years of demonic bondage. Centuries of evil, darkness and destruction. These satanic curses were broken, FINALLY, after more then 50 generations, by the overcoming power of the blood of Jesus. The demons didn’t want to leave, so we battled me.
I called upon the holy angels, utilized my cross and holy communion –the demons were agonized and were defeated by the blood of the Son. At one point the holy angels struck, these demons, numerous times, thus greatly weakening the evil spirits. 

The demons growled, twisted his body and contorted his face terribly. We pressed onward and commanded the demons to release him. Finally, after some persistence, the demons departed and his heart was guided to Heaven to the meet the Savior. What transpired in Heaven (watch below) was so real, not what he had expected. He was so happy, in fact the holy angels ticked him and they gave him a nice smile. The torment released him and God was glorified. Amen!

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