Delivered then Healed of Dissociation

Stephanie was a family friend who had endured some severe sexual abuse as a young girl and as a teenager. This abuse along with some occult activity, Stephanie had called upon Satan at one point, resulted in her dissociating and creating 2 different personalities.

During an exorcism with Stephanie we encountered numerous demons that invaded her through the years. One spirit revealed, to my astonishment, that there were 4 personalities within her soul. I spoke with the first 2 that manifested. I immediately discerned that these 2 so-called personalities were not genuine personalities but rather demons. They confessed to that being true. I asked them why they were masquerading as personalities and they revealed they were masquerading to afflict the 2 genuine personalities.

The evil spirits had hoped to deceive the personalities to thinking they were genuine personalities also, with the plan to destroy them or to hinder them from ever knowing God’s healing power. I commanded the spirits to leave in the name of Jesus. They obeyed.

I then proceeded to minister to the 2 genuine personalities that were created as result of the abuse (they held unto some of the abuse, in order for the rest of Stephanie to go on living her life). One was named “Shy Stephanie” and the other “Timid Stephanie.” Both spoke with my wife and I for a few minutes, as I shared that God wanted to bring wholeness to Stephanie and how God wanted them to integrate to the core personality. The goodness of God reached out to the personalities and a miracle took place as both of them merged with the core personality. Finally Stephanie was free and healed.

Jay Bartlett

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