Mute Demon Driven Out of Little One

Yesterday, a little dissociative identity within Tina named Samuel, age 7, who had been mute his entire life was miraculously healed, INSTANTLY. Never spoke to any of the parts or anyone for that matter, Jesus healed this precious part!

Samuel wanted to share his hurts (I asked him and he nodded that he wanted to talk, but couldn’t because he was mute). Knowing full well that Jesus would heal him completely, I commanded him to drink some holy water & I rebuked the mute spirit behind it and asked little Samuel to say, Jesus.”

With great difficulty he said Jesus!

Then I asked him to do it again, “Jesus.” He did and he was stronger!

Before you knew it Samuel could say Jesus without any trouble!

God healed him.

This precious Samuel shared his pain with me, being burned, being locked up for days at a time with no opportunity to use the bathroom, going hungry for long periods of times, and cruel people hurting him in many other hellish ways.

Samuel turned to Jesus and many of the parts were leaping for joy as they were stunned as they never heard Samuel speak before!

What was so interesting is that Samuel’s face was superimposed upon Tina’s face which can occur in cases where there is dissociation present. I literally saw Samuel’s boy face and Tina’s face literally transformed into Samuel’s apperance!

Submitted by Jay Bartlett

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