15 Hours of Ministering to those Bound by Satan

Dear Friends of Jesus ~

I just arrived moments ago from Newark, New Jersey to beautiful British Columbia where I will be conducting another public meeting tonight at 5pm. Those of you in the Vancouver area bring your friends and family members so we can believe for Jesus to liberate those enslaved to the powers of the devil. Though it was a long flight across the continent I feel pretty good. God’s wonderful grace provided a nice flight.

As many of you are aware I’m in the midst of a long global mission journey taking me through various cities across the world, teaching, casting out evil spirits, praying for the sick, and equipping the the Body of Christ. I am grateful for your holy prayers.

Yesterday was spiritually spectacular. We conducted a training seminar at 10am in Newark and only a few people showed up. However, by noon, the conference room was completely full. In fact, we had to bring in extra chairs to accommodate all those who arrived to learn how to cast out demons and to receive deliverance. It was amazing to see precious souls gradually walk in as the day went by. Even 10 hours into our meeting people were still coming in from all over the nation to receive help. Re-read that last sentence. TEN HOURS into our meeting souls were still arriving into Newark for ministry. Families and individuals came in from South Carolina, Maryland, Massachusetts, Georgia and many other places. 

I was stunned to see the anticipation and enthusiasm even after teaching from the Holy Scriptures for more then FIVE HOURS! Re-read that sentence. For more then 5 hours I taught the saints about the ministry of deliverance and I don’t even think anyone got up the entire time to even utilize the restroom. There was a great interest to be equipped in the ministry as there were a number of pastors and ministers that attended the seminar. I’m seeing this more and more –as people are hungering for deeper spiritual truths then what they are getting fed elsewhere. Even after five hours into the seminar the people wanted me to continue to teach. 

After partaking Holy Communion we began to minister to those enslaved by demonic spirits. For another 5 hours or more I dealt with countless demons that were manifesting within those in the meeting hall. I started off dealing with generational curses and sins and almost intermediately powerful voodoo spirits surfaced within a few people. As the demonic manifestations were occurring I stood up at the front of the room commanding the demons to release the people of God –some shook violently, others vomited, some demons laughed and mocked me as I conducted the deliverance in Jesus name. Irregardless, the spirits were cast out and precious souls were free including one 60 year old lady who traveled more then 17 hours to be present at the meeting. She was delivered from numerous ancestral sorcery spirits. There was also a dear man in his mid-40’s originally from Uruguay who manifested powerful spirits of death. These were commanded out of his body in Jesus name. He also experienced a powerful healing of his broken heart. Many were delivered and healed from various demonic pains and afflictions. 

One lady that arrived several hours into our meeting was a dear Haitian woman seeking deliverance from her ancestral idol worship and voodooism. God was pleased to set her free. As I began to place some holy oil upon her forehead a vicious voodoo spirit surfaced and caused her to contort and shake like into a eerie tribal dance. She nearly fell down upon the floor as these vicious spirits surfaced but God prevailed and liberated her.

A few minutes later she exclaimed in the midst of the meeting: “Jay, I really feel good, much lighter, and peaceful!”

Many others experienced healing, deliverance and touch from the Savior. As we came to the conclusion of the meeting more people were arriving including a family that on took a emergency flight from Georgia so that I might pray for their precious little 4 year old daughter who has been victimized by a satanic cult. In meeting with this family after this public service I discovered there was a very little 1 year old dissociative identity named “Little Self,” who spoke to me. I have rarely ministered to this young of a child and to their dissociative identities. But obviously, the parents pleaded with me to pray and to minister. Though the night before I slept very little and spent more an entire day ministering and teaching I had to intervene by God’s grace. I met with this precious family and ministered to the children deep into the night. We also discovered that this 1 year old little heart part has been programmed by the satanic cult and I started the process of deprogramming the identity. There is much work to be done however the process has begun and we are already scheduling a time to meet again for more ministry. 

This mission plays a unique role within the Body of Christ as we have the knowledge and understanding to minister in this specialized area –ministering to children with satanic programming and dissociation. That is why a family spent an entire day catching flights and taxis to get to this meeting as they realized so few would be able to intervene. We intervened and this little girl connected with me almost instantly in that she now wants to come home with me to visit my kids. Her parents even videotaped the ministry session as they wanted to try to understand the mechanics and dynamics of deprogramming and child dissociation themselves so they could continue the ministry with their precious little one. 

Even after this ministry session –well after midnight– I continued to meet with those who traveled in for ministry. Sadly, I have human limitations and was unable to minister to many others who were waiting deep into the night for help. I rejoice precious souls were liberated by the power of Jesus Christ. 

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