Into the dark, misty, eerie, rural back-roads of Voodooland….

Dear brothers and sisters in King Jesus,

Just in the past day we have seen dozens delivered from demons, hearts supernaturally healed, many seeing Jesus, a lady healed from Parkinson’s, a lady freed from Scoliosis, a lady healed from blindness and many other extraordinary miracles.

Earlier this morning I have arrived back to my hotel after a long eventful night into the dark, misty, eerie, rural back roads of Louisiana –Southern Louisiana that is a region of the country that is steeped into witchcraft and voodoo. I arrived into the city of New Orleans yesterday from Houston where we held a powerful public meeting on Saturday evening. More on that meeting in a moment. It is here in the New Orleans area, however, I have been sent by the Holy Spirit to release the captives and many have been released. In a few hours I will be conducting a number of open air gospel meetings however last night’s ministry was deeply encouraging to me as I witnessed, once again, numerous miraculous wonders as we ministered to those enslaved to devils. Before getting to that amazing experience I had earlier this morning, it is my hope to inspire you with the many wonders we witnessed last night in Houston, Texas, as we conducted a public mission with the hopes of seeing many freed from evil spirits.

For more then 10 hours I ministered, I taught, I led in Holy Communion, and exorcised demonic powers in Jesus name!

While in Houston we encountered something we are seeing practically everywhere as we travel throughout North America. Our public service was jammed packed with a few even standing as no more chairs could be brought into the conference hall to meet the needs. Souls came in from all over the nation for deliverance and healing. It excites me to see our meetings fueled by Holy Spirit fire. There was great anticipation and enthusiasm present and for nearly several hours I taught from the Holy Scriptures and led everyone in Communion.

Nearly at the onset of the meeting demons were surfacing, within those in the meeting, desirous to battle me. The screams, the horrific body contortions, the violent twisting of the limbs, and other strange demonic activity was present within those manifesting spirits. The first lady we ministered to was suffering greatly from witchcraft curses and occultism. As soon as I placed holy oil upon her head the demons reared it’s ugly head and fought me as they threw this precious saint onto the ground violently. As her hands formed into like claws I battled these very aggressive spirits. They would often throw her into the wall in an attempt to injure her (they failed). While battling these occult demons I commanded the holy angels to assist me and many legions entered the conference room.

My friends, I do not take this for granted….we are being blessed with extraordinary supernatural power from God. We remain serious, self controlled, walking close to our Savior whom all of our strength comes from. In many of our meetings we are calling forth the angels of God and they are arriving swiftly to assist us in battling violent spirits. In dealing with this woman I needed help! The angels arrived and I spoke to the angels.

The angels helped me by restraining the demons, picking her up off the ground (mind you without human aid), and setting the woman in her chair so that I might further the ministry to her. This woman was set free from generational witchcraft and occultism. We are seeing these kinds of angelic miracles often. Tonight was no exception. In fact, later on in the meeting, another demonized woman surfaced violent spirits and in Jesus name we called forth the angels of God. It was AWESOME to see the power of God in ACTION! While the demons attempted to keep her in her chair to ensure she would not come forward to receive prayer I commanded the holy angels to pick her up off the chair and move her up to the front of the meeting hall! This is wasn’t done quickly however the angels did move her despite the demons resistance within her body….you could easily see the demons were doing everything with their power to hinder from walking. At one point while I felt tremendous resistance from the evil spirits I asked for the leading holy angel among these legions of God’s agents that came to this meeting to stand in the back of this demonized woman and to strike the residing spirits with a spear. I saw the spear and the demons reacted to the holy spear that the leading angel placed into them to weakened them. My friends, this was angelic warfare we were involved on this night.

Eventually the demons lost their powers of resistance and they were forced to the front of the hall by many angels. I even chained the demons and pulled the chain to quickly bring the woman to the front for more prayer. Again not one person assisted. We allowed the angels of God to intervene. The holy angels forced the demon-invaded woman to sit down and we began to cast out many evil spirits from her. Many loud cries, screams, vomiting, yawning, tears, choking –all leading to expulsions in Jesus name!

These two African women were beautifully set free by the power of Jesus. The smiles, the inner peace, the joy! My Lord Jesus did it all! He can rescue you and deliver you right now!

During the time we renounced Freemasonry, in the meeting, a lady near the front of the woman surfaced many spirits including one named Masonic. This vile spirit held her captive for many years and had tormented this woman. He along with many other spirits held onto her eyes that brought a form of blindness into her requiring her to have glasses to even read the Bible. As these spirits were cast out of her, the eyes were gradually being healed. At one point I tested her eyes to test her healing. She actually could read the Bible without the usage of the glasses though with some difficulty. But the fact is she READ the Bible! She wasn’t able to before this! God will continue to heal those eyes and strengthen those eyes!

Again in many of our meetings we are seeing those with vision problems and varying degrees of blindness healed in Jesus name! So many were delivered and released from demonic powers on this night of ministry! So many liberated now to serve Jesus! Many hearts were healed too –many young dissociative identities surfaced and spoke to me desiring to see Jesus and to be healed by Him. Many heart parts testified of seeing Jesus! This is truly a unique aspect of our work around the globe. Many broken heart parts are seeing Jesus!

Even well after the public meeting was completed we continued on deep into the night as we ministered in private meetings. In our private meeting numerous death demons were cast out of a minister. In fact this dear sister in Christ who has served many years in the ministry has been terribly vexed by demonic forces bringing her numerous spiritual and physical problems. In Jesus name these demons were forced to take the pains, the diseases and the afflictions and were forced out in Jesus name! Moreover, we dealt with that nasty witch Jezebel who bewitches so many women. Also, in Jesus name, she was expelled from this minister!

She was released and testified of feeling such peace and comfort from the Holy Spirit. What a beautiful Savior we serve who liberates!

I slept a few hours and then headed to the airport to come here to Voodooland. This part of the nation is drenched with voodoo powers. In a few hours I will be traveling into New Orleans to conduct open air meetings proclaiming Jesus as victorious over the powers of voodoo.

I arrived into Louisiana and then traveled deep into the dark, misty, eerie back roads of Voodooland. It was raining extremely hard. I could barely drive in these conditions. Very little light in these back roads as I felt the oppressive voodoo spirits surround as to tell me: Do not enter our land!

Truth be told I thought about turning around and going to Starbucks. HA! However the Holy Spirit pressed me onward. I eventually found the location where I was to lead a private meeting for a few families that were being attacked by demons. The only problem was I couldn’t see where I was going and ended off the road and finding myself stuck in deep mud! I could not get the car out of it irregardless how hard I tried. The family finally assisted me and I was able to extract myself. I entered the home and I performed an exorcism on a satanic ritual abuse survivor. The results STUNNING! 

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