In Charlotte: Face to Face with Aztec Warrior Demon, Jesus Wins!

Dear Friends of Jesus,

Tonight was AMAZING –a spiritual show down with powerful Aztec and Santeria spirits!

Just a few hours ago we concluded our last meeting here in Charlotte, North Carolina, and God was pleased to display His mighty power in our midst. Our two public meetings were jammed packed with souls that literally traveled in from different states throughout the nation for deliverance from demon powers. On our first night, here in Charlotte, we literally could not fit anymore people in our meeting hall. It was standing room only kind of crowd. We kept on bringing in extra chairs and I do not think we could have added any more in the room. With great anticipation and enthusiasm we participated in Holy Communion and broken ancient generational curses and as we did people were instantly healed and delivered from demons. One lady reported tonight that as we prayed she could feel ALL the arthritic pains, she has been suffering from, leave her body in Jesus name. 

One African lady I ministered to, that first night, manifested very strong water spirits whom violently threw her to the ground and twisted and disfigured her body in gruesome positions. I commanded the spirits to leave her body and she experienced significant deliverance on this night. We also dealt with a lady who had strong spirits that held her broken heart in captivity. These broken heart parts were released and taken to Jesus where she received deeper healing. It was beautiful to witness. Others experienced powerful liberation from demonic powers by simply praying with me as we broken curses. Tonight I heard their testimonies and was amazed how many these past few days have been freed from demons from a distance. 

Not only did we conduct public deliverance meetings we also conducted a training seminar where I taught for more than 4 hours and the saints were greatly encouraged. Over these past several days so many dozens of people shared how this ministry has deeply impacted their lives –equipping, encouraging, delivering and healing. One lady who has been listening to my radio broadcasts for years testified of being delivered as a result of reading our materials. Not only has she listened to our radio presentations but also read many of our books. I could recount many of these kinds of testimonies. It was encouraging to hear! 

Jesus and His power was really on public display tonight however! Many were instantly freed from demons and healed from various pain, sicknesses, brokenness of hearts and afflictions. I often tell my friends to keep on coming to the meetings as they usually grow in power. This was definitely the case here in North Carolina tonight as we witnessed multiple miraculous miracles. ASTOUNDING POWER of the Holy Spirit. We are blessed, as a mission, by the mighty power of Christ! 

We witnessed numerous souls delivered from various kinds of evil spirits —Jezebel, murder, blood sacrifice, Santeria, witchcraft, occultism, Aztec, cancer, arthritis, and so many others. Some of the satanic spirits we encountered were quite violent and aggressive. One mother and daughter, originally from Puerto Rico, who arrived to our meeting, were powerfully touched by the presence of the Holy Spirit. As I approached them the demons within them manifested. One spirit of death that surfaced attempted to spiritually strangle the mother. You could see the mother reach towards her throat hoping to remove whatever it was that was was strangling her. As I commanded the demons to leave, many departed. I then started to pray for her daughter and immediately the spirit unleashed his power and made her fall to the ground. I then proceeded to call forth mighty holy angels whom assisted me greatly in the ministry tonight. I called forth the holy angels and had them carry this woman up to the woman, without any human aid, as it groaned and moaned.

“We hate you!” the spirits informed me.

They were totally in control of this woman and they were furious with me for intervening. 

With claw like hands the demons growled. They contorted her body violently and caused her to shake. Many Santeria (a form of witchcraft rooted in the Caribbean culture) surfaced and revealed that many of them had been within the generational bloodline for thousands of years as a result of ancestral participation in ancient blood sacrifices. Along with the blood sacrifices were the curses of adultery, idol worship, lust, perversions of all types, homosexuality, bastard, death, and various ancient Aztec warrior demons gods. These Aztec warrior spirits surfaced with great aggression and faced me and were also linked with the spirits of blindness who laid claim to her eyes (many of the spirits held her eyes as her family consistently reminded her of her need for glasses, essentially speaking word curses). 

“We are here to destroy her family. We will not let go of her eyes,” the spirits boasted to me.

In Jesus name, for a few hours, I had to truly battle in the Holy Spirit against these spirits of blindness that held her eyes. They were linked with these Aztec warrior demons who decided to go face to face with me. I tortured the demons with holy water, the blood of Christ, my holy cross (which by the way they hated, REALLY hated), and sacred oil. The demons at one point were begging me to leave.

“You know, there are many other people who need help, why don’t you help them instead?”

I continued on warring against these Aztec spirits. They finally were worn down as I called forth the holy angels of God to punish these wicked spirits. I had some of the angels strike the demons with their holy swords and spears. The demons moaned and groaned in agony. They were defeated. Jesus conquered them.

All night long I used the holy angels of God and they quickly assisted us in the battles we found ourselves in with these wicked ancient Aztec spirits. The demons submitted and were greatly weakened as the holy angels struck with force. The demons at one point fell to the ground in utter defeat. I commanded them to the pit and all them left the body in Jesus name! 

We prayed for all of the various parts of her heart that had been broken to supernaturally merge which they did and her heart was healed. As this dear lady came up off the ground she testified before everyone in the room how GREAT she felt. How much lighter she felt and much more peace is now in her life. 

Not only was she freed from demons and healed from a broken heart but she also experienced a healing miracle. As she looked around. She could see without needing glasses anymore. No blurriness, spots or difficulty seeing! Jesus healed her of blindness.

I am been given great grace and power by Jesus to heal eyes (though not everyone is healed that I pray for but many are) and operating in greater faith, as time goes by, in this area of healing ministry. I have countless people healed of varying degrees of blindness. It’s been remarkable! Jesus all the praise! 

“Here, I thought, that I was simply here to see my mother delivered and yet here I am needing the deliverance,” this young lady shared with the group that had assembled.

This was deeply impactful for everyone in the meeting hall. As she was being delivered from all of these unclean spirits many others in the hall were also being liberated. Even after the meeting concluded more exorcisms were being conducted. One man I ministered to manifestly violently, the demons threw him against the wall and shook his body aggressively. I battled the spirits of violence and murder in Jesus. All of them were cast out and this man was also deeply healed of dissociation as many heart parts were surfacing crying unleashing deep anguish and pain from childhood trauma. They were all healed and sent to Jesus! 

There were so many miracles on this night however I am touched by the fact that the people here in North Carolina are open to this ministry of deliverance and believing God for more miracles in my return visit! It’s well after 3am and now I’m needing to prepare to depart later today for Baltimore, Maryland, where more meetings are planned. Make plans on attending! 

I have been on the road for 10 days now traveling throughout North America, visiting numerous cities and states preaching the gospel, healing the sick, and driving out demons. I was praying with my wife just earlier and everything is peaceful at the home and I am grateful as I could not do this kind of traveling if things at home were not right. I am really blessed with a wife who believes in this mission with her entire heart (I led her to Jesus many, many years ago, so she knows God is using this mission). I often tell younger ministers that unless their homes are in order and in peace then traveling should be placed on hold as you cannot be sustained unless you have your family support!

Appreciate all your prayers and blessings in Jesus name!


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