Appearances of Jesus, Winning Souls for Jesus!

Dear Friends of Jesus~

In John 20 we read of some incredible encounters the disciples had with the risen Jesus. It’s our Lord’s desire to appear, at times, to His servants. One primary reason is to bestow His peace. This is seen clearly in v.19, v.21, v.26. Is He not our Prince of Peace who calmly declares: Peace be with you. Those words bring comfort and healing. In our troubled modern day we need to hear these wonderful words of the Savior! 

Is not our Lord Jesus risen? Yes! So, don’t be surprised when He appears. He desires to visit in a visible manner. In many of our meetings throughout the world we are honored to have King Jesus reveal Himself visibly (we also have powerful angelic visitations where the holy angels minister alongside me, a very unique mark of this mission). This is a holy mark of our mission that is quite extraordinary. I never want to take this for granted. Jesus has physically appeared to me in South Asia in an Islamic nation (I literally saw Him with my very own eyes in His ascended state high above that Islamic land) and then has appeared to many of my brothers and saints through the many years of ministry. I recall while conducting a powerful afternoon meeting in India many disciples were testifying of seeing the risen Savior! On my most recent mission to Australia, at our ladies only public meeting, a few saints testified of seeing the risen Lord! 

One precious young lady, who only several months earlier surrendered to Jesus, was powerfully impacted by the appearing of our Jesus, while we ministered in the sanctuary of the Concordia Lutheran Church in Perth. Jesus even at one point visibly moved behind me and placed His holy hands upon my shoulders. I am still deeply touched by this expression of love. Just writing to you about this brings deep joy to my heart. The hands of Jesus is upon me and this mission. Why? Because He honors those who preach His Word! One thing I focus on in every public meeting is ensuring His Word is preached! It’s my desire to bring forth life and to leads others to life through the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

It’s the heart of Jesus for His servants to be soul winners. Does not the Proverbs 11:30 declare: He that win souls is wise. This mission has been about winning souls to Jesus for more than 27 years! Not only winning souls but inspiring and training others to do the same resulting in many more soul winners. Below, you’ll read how our work has inspired a young evangelist in Perth to win souls daily since our mission ended! WOW! 

Moreover, we also desire to further the fullness of the gospel in driving out demons, healing hearts and healing the sick. The complete package! Tens of thousands have been saved, freed from demons, experienced inner healing and physical healing through the work of this mission. We have the opportunity to do more!Our working is impacting many lives around the world. Allow me to share some testimonies, from Australia and the Middle East, that bear this out:

“Hi Jay, I just want to thank you for being such a blessing to the body of Christ here in Perth. I went to all your meetings and the Love of Jesus worked through you with amazing healings and deliverances, it was not by power or by might but by the Holy Spirit, and I feel very privileged to be part of this ministry, Gods ministry, serving Him. Thank you for praying for me, I feel a real healing has happened, Praise the Lord, and thank you for anointing my Cross for His service, greater times are coming and Jesus name will continue to be glorified. Some of the highlights for me last week, seeing people giving their hearts to the Lord, seeing so many people getting set free.”

“Jay–Your meetings opened my eyes to the spiritual realm and I need to learn more so I can deliver others myself. Won another 2 souls on Sunday, I was that fired up after your ministry and been witnessing every day!”

“Dear brother Jay~First of all WOW!! it is so amazing to be apart of the iFF training and just to bear witness through your testimonies in your newsletters on how our glorious Savior is freeing the captives, providing increased security and healing each broken heart. Praise be to our one and only Father for he is so merciful. Just a quick story: Joshua (3yrs old now) when he sees the fire in his room he calls me and says “dada we need Holy Water – quickly” then he consecrates it and starts sprinkling it over the “fire” in his room and commands it to leave in Jesus name.My God it is so amazing to witness, thanks again for your continued input into our lives.”

I’m believing for mighty miracles in the day to come! Especially as we embark on this next mission –days are drawing near to the coming of Jesus– SERVE HIM! SERVE HIM! SERVE HIM! Your life is but fading, NOW is the TIME! NOW! We are only given one earthly life might as well use to glorify the King!

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