Thriller in an Francisco as Lucifer Bows to King Jesus

Dear Friends of Jesus,


I’m currently here in gorgeous San Francisco, California. The weather has been amazing. This city is, perhaps, the best place to be located at in the summer with the fabulous refreshing weather. Last night here in the Bay area we conducted another public mission where God’s power was demonstrated before those who assembled.


What we have been encountering the past few days have been supernaturally stunning. I’m in awe of the Supernatural Jesus who has made His presence known to us. Many are seeing JESUS! Like this precious woman pictured above.


I’ll refer to her as Lucy. She came with a friend who knew about our ministry to the broken-hearted. In fact, this friend of her’s attended our public exorcisms when I preached at the Salvation Army and in the Methodist Church many years ago. Lucy came into the meeting hall devastated. A life of horrible pain and abuse however Jesus had been working in her life. She had received some deliverance but there was some deeper deliverance that needed to take place. HA! That was a understatement.


As I began to pray for Lucy, many evil spirits surfaced, including the vicious spirits of Lucifer. There were hundreds of thousands of these demons within her body. They surfaced and contorted her body. Her hands became claw-like. With a wild look in her eyes they spoke to me.


“We have been here for thousands of years,” the spirits revealed to me, “She made a blood pact and her ancestors participated in blood sacrifices. We bring her joint pain, blindness, diabetes, and so many other afflictions.”


Lucy had been vexed with horrible pain for many decades. It was a result of these demons within her that had traveled through her bloodline because of her ancestor’s evils. I was so happy to know we would be able to intervene and break these generational curses in Jesus name!


It was very interesting to note that while battling the many demons within her, they remarked that they could see “the cross of Jesus” in my eyes. WOW! That made my night! I could feel it too. It was if crosses were branded into my eyes. They were extremely fearful of the cross in my eyes and my sacred cross of deliverance!


The demons of Lucifer, Mammon, Jezebel and Death all BOWED to King Jesus! As I commanded the mass number of evil spirits out of her including the Lucifer spirits they flew into the pit. They screamed out of her and her body slumped to the ground. Then suddenly, Lucy was transported to God’s Heaven! She witnessed the glories and the joy of Heaven! I was able to capture her amazing smile (as seen in the picture above) as she laid on the ground for many minutes without even moving or flinching. It was incredible to see.


Jesus appeared to her, spoke to her, and loved on her. Decades of pain and emotional anguish GONE! Moreover, after her powerful deliverance and healing she testified of feeling ZERO pain. ALL of her afflictions disappeared. She was miraculously healed and restored. Furthermore, her eyes were cured of blindness. She shared with everyone that the floaters were gone and she could see things in the meeting hall she could not previously see prior to the exorcism.


This woman was dramatically healed my friends. Lucy also encountered deep inner healing too as little dissociative identities were healed too. The many miracles that took place have been awe-inspiring. What a good God we serve and worship!

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