Jammed Packed Hall Witness Jesus Power in Pasadena!

Dear Friends of Jesus,


We have been conducting some incredibly powerful missions in Pasadena, California, in recent weeks. Our attendance has increased and tonight we couldn’t fit anymore people into the hall. There were that many souls gathering to hear from God’s Word and to encounter the supernatural power of Jesus! Many thanks to my Californian mission partners, pictured with me above, having a post deliverance meeting victory fellowship, for standing with me in Jesus name!


Because of the staggering interest in the teaching and ministry, we already planning on returning, by God’s grace, in January 2016 for a series of public seminars. The people of God are hungering for solid biblical information on spiritual warfare and we are providing it. In fact, a few of the attendees of tonight’s seminar shared they had been applying the principles we have been sharing on how to cast out demons and they are now seeing demons driven out of those they are coming in contact with in ministry sessions.


This is very encouraging to me to hear. Not only do I want people to be freed from evil spirits but I also want to see disciples equipped to carry on the work of Jesus. This is why we developed the Freedom Fighter International Training Center –to inspire and equip thousands of disciples to preach the gospel, to drive out demons and to heal the afflicted. What an honor to see God’s people rise up and performing the works of Jesus.


My heart is happy tonight. I had tremendous freedom to teach and to minister. At the Temple of Salvation, the previous night, in Los Angeles, I experienced intense spiritual opposition. Despite the hindrances, Jesus still delivered souls, including one lady from numerous demonic pains and afflictions.


In Pasadena, it was different. Everyone could feel it. Massive deliverance took place among God’s people. One of the first individuals I ministered to was a young man who had thousands of demons named Lucifer. I could tell this young man named Justin was coming under great attack, his head flung backwards and he was experiencing some convulsions. I rebuked the demons and commanded the holy angels to carry his demonized body to the front of the meeting hall. They carried him to the front and was able to minister to him.


“We have been here a very long time,” the spirits of witchcraft and Lucifer revealed to me, “We bring into him self-hatred, torment, fear, heartache, and addictions. We have been sent to carry out a destructive assignment –to DESTROY!”


AH! Demonic assignments are very real. Demons are targeting you for specific purposes and areas of your life. In Justin’s case, they could see he has a powerful call upon his life and they were determined to try to hinder and stop him.


They cried out and screamed at me. They boasted how they held him in captivity. They also revealed they were enslaving numerous ancestral and broken heart parts of Justin. I commanded the heart parts to be released and guided many of them to Jesus for supernatural healing. It was beautiful to behold Jesus rescuing this precious soul from satanic bondage.


At one point the demons named Lucifer challenged me. They were determined to battle me to keep within Justin. Since that was the case, I brought out my sacred cross and anointed it with the holy oil of fire.


The demons looked at the cross with DREAD and were petrified looking at it. So, I commanded the holy angels to pick up his arms so that they invading demons could feel it’s power. The demons resisted and tried to hold back his clenched hands. The holy angels gradually brought the arms up and opened up his clenched fists. The holy angels ensured, without any human aid, that the demons would embrace my cross.


When the demons grasped the holy cross. They were berserk. The POWER of JESUS was simply too GREAT for them. They were utterly destroyed! They threw Justin onto the ground in utter defeat. I then proceeded to command the many thousands of these demons into the pit. They flew into the abyss where they remain on this night. In spiritual prison. This is good.


Justin was so happy and relieved after his powerful exorcism. He FELT FREEDOM and peace of God. He was rejoicing in the mercy and grace of God. He was all smiles on this night –Jesus set him free! The jammed packed audience were really involved and assisting me in prayers. Many were standing up, greatly excited about the work of Jesus in Justin’s life.


There were many other miracles and wonders that took place. Many were set free from demonic powers and healed of various ailments and afflictions –some instantaneous deliverance and healing too!

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