Wicked Witch Jezebel Defeated in Houston

Dear Friends of Jesus,

Last night, here in Houston, Texas, we witnessed Jesus providing victory to His people. Souls encountered powerful miracles of  rejuvenation, restoration, deliverance and inner healing. The past few nights have been filled with the wonders of the Holy Spirit. Allow me to share one miracle that took place that was dramatic.

Pictured above with me, is a young lady, who has been called into the ministry of the gospel. I’ll refer to her as Linda. This woman had been through an incredible amount of hurt and trauma in her life. However, much of her bondage was rooted in ancestral evil. As I began to minister to her the demons revealed inasmuch:

Numerous spirits of death invaded her ancestors as a result of generational rape, abuse, killing, and lies. They boasted in bringing viruses, germs, sicknesses, and torment.

Powerful demons named Lucifer had invaded her bloodline, more then 10 generations ago, because her ancestors participated in rape and assaulting people.

A group of evil spirits named, “Jezebel,” surfaced that held claim to her ancestors and to Linda because of rebellion. Interestingly, Jezebel had placed upon this woman a number of pieces of jewelry which we commanded the demons to take off of her.

Linda was terribly demonized because of these mass number of demons within her. But, Jesus….There is mercy, grace and a new start in HIM! As I prayed for Linda, many of these demonic spirits surfaced and battled me. I called forth the holy angels of God and they assisted me in warring against this wicked witch named Jezebel.

“We have been here for many generations,” Jezebel pridefully revealed to me, “We hold her heart and someone else is here too.”

Obviously, I wanted to locate her broken heart parts and find out who else lurked within her soul. I did locate many heart parts and they were guided to Jesus for healing. Someone else was there too. A man named “Kenneth.”

Turns out Kenneth had hurt Linda and was able to create a soulish bridge to her and invade her consciousness. I spoke to Kenneth. A human interject. I explained that he couldn’t stay within her.

“But I must! I must control her!” he angrily told me.

I wasn’t going to permit him to stay so I commanded him to leave and he swiftly departed in Jesus name. Moreover, I commanded the many demons within her to release her and to enter in to the pit in Jesus name! They obeyed and Linda was set free from death, Jezebel, Lucifer and a host of other wicked spirits. Furthermore, the spirits took upon themselves all of the infirmities they had brought to this woman too.

Linda was so thankful and happy afterwards. Jesus had set her FREE! Moreover, she was healed of so many afflictions. There were other miracles and wonders of the Holy Spirit to share

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