Archive for October, 2015

Wicked Witch Jezebel Defeated in Houston

Tuesday, October 6th, 2015

Dear Friends of Jesus,

Last night, here in Houston, Texas, we witnessed Jesus providing victory to His people. Souls encountered powerful miracles of  rejuvenation, restoration, deliverance and inner healing. The past few nights have been filled with the wonders of the Holy Spirit. Allow me to share one miracle that took place that was dramatic.

Pictured above with me, is a young lady, who has been called into the ministry of the gospel. I’ll refer to her as Linda. This woman had been through an incredible amount of hurt and trauma in her life. However, much of her bondage was rooted in ancestral evil. As I began to minister to her the demons revealed inasmuch:

Numerous spirits of death invaded her ancestors as a result of generational rape, abuse, killing, and lies. They boasted in bringing viruses, germs, sicknesses, and torment.

Powerful demons named Lucifer had invaded her bloodline, more then 10 generations ago, because her ancestors participated in rape and assaulting people.

A group of evil spirits named, “Jezebel,” surfaced that held claim to her ancestors and to Linda because of rebellion. Interestingly, Jezebel had placed upon this woman a number of pieces of jewelry which we commanded the demons to take off of her.

Linda was terribly demonized because of these mass number of demons within her. But, Jesus….There is mercy, grace and a new start in HIM! As I prayed for Linda, many of these demonic spirits surfaced and battled me. I called forth the holy angels of God and they assisted me in warring against this wicked witch named Jezebel.

“We have been here for many generations,” Jezebel pridefully revealed to me, “We hold her heart and someone else is here too.”

Obviously, I wanted to locate her broken heart parts and find out who else lurked within her soul. I did locate many heart parts and they were guided to Jesus for healing. Someone else was there too. A man named “Kenneth.”

Turns out Kenneth had hurt Linda and was able to create a soulish bridge to her and invade her consciousness. I spoke to Kenneth. A human interject. I explained that he couldn’t stay within her.

“But I must! I must control her!” he angrily told me.

I wasn’t going to permit him to stay so I commanded him to leave and he swiftly departed in Jesus name. Moreover, I commanded the many demons within her to release her and to enter in to the pit in Jesus name! They obeyed and Linda was set free from death, Jezebel, Lucifer and a host of other wicked spirits. Furthermore, the spirits took upon themselves all of the infirmities they had brought to this woman too.

Linda was so thankful and happy afterwards. Jesus had set her FREE! Moreover, she was healed of so many afflictions. There were other miracles and wonders of the Holy Spirit to share

Houston: Lucifer Demons Cast Out in Jesus Name!

Tuesday, October 6th, 2015

Dear Friends of Jesus,

It’s great to be back in Houston, Texas, after a 3+ month absence. It’s hard to believe it’s been that long as we have been conducting public missions in Houston on a monthly basis for a number years now due to the overwhelming response to our many services. This is a strategic city as it poised to surpass Chicago as the 3rd largest city in the United States (NYC & LA remain comfortably 1st & 2nd largest respectively). We have witnessed many hundreds of miracles in this city and we look forward to even more meetings in the days to come.

Last night, was no different. Though we were small in number, God was mighty in in demonstrating His conquering power over Satan! After teaching from God’s Word and leading everyone in partaking of the Holy Communion, I began to minister to those assembled needing deliverance and healing. Within minutes, a lady to my right manifested powerful death demons. They caused her to fall on the ground. In Jesus name, I commanded the spirits to release her and they did. She was beautifully set free and was extremely happy to encounter Jesus!

The Holy Spirit led me to minister to a few others and by the power of God we drove out thousands upon thousands of evil spirits. They flew into the pit! Many heart parts were supernaturally healed and even a human interject (a foreign soul intruder) was confronted and forced out from within a woman. More on that supernatural event in our upcoming report.

One lady that the Holy Spirit led me to was a young Russian woman (pictured above with me, post deliverance), who is a minister in her church and is being used to bring healing to many individuals. While praying for her, many evil spirits surfaced convulsing her body.

“We have been here for thousands of years,” the spirits of Lucifer boasted to me, “Her ancestors participated in idol-worship. We bring her pains and sicknesses.”

I was determined to see this young Russian woman set free and healed so I called for the holy angels of God to move her rigid body and to bring her to the front of the meeting hall. The invading demons resisted my command at first but eventually obeyed and was brought to the front of the hall. I asked the holy angels to strike the demons, which they did and asked for the fire of the Holy Spirit to burn the demonic forces that had been tormenting her. The Spirit of God’s fire came down from heaven and engulfed the demons. They cried out in agony. They moaned and groaned and were in extreme pain themselves.

We discovered there were tens of thousands of these Lucifer spirits. They confessed to bringing much pain, hurt and suffering into this woman’s life. We also discovered that this lady had been suffering from various kinds of pains for more then 8 long years! The demons revealed they were behind the great suffering.

During the exorcism, a little 6 year old hurt dissociative part surfaced and was thankful to be released from the monsters that held her in captivity. The 6 year old had been terribly rejected and was needing the comfort and gentleness of the Lord. I guided the little one to Jesus and they encountered the Lord quickly. They were healed.

I proceeded to command the many demons within her to pull out the many fiery darts that had implanted within her soul and body! There were numerous darts that were forced out of this precious  woman including arthritic pain and breast cancer. The demons fought me on many of these afflictions but eventually released her from these terrible pains and infirmities. The spiritual pressure we applied was too great for the demons to bear. The presence of the Lord Jesus Christ was in our small meeting hall and the demons acknowledged the power of the Lordship of Jesus!

The numerous satanic spirits were driven out of this woman in the name of Jesus and they released her. Immediately this woman experienced FREEDOM. She said she felt FREE at last! She felt peace and a lightness. Moreover, she revealed that that ALL of the pain she had been suffering from all of these years was GONE! Read that again and soak in that reality! It supernaturally disappeared! Jesus is able!

Exorcisms on Rosh Hashanah in Southern California

Tuesday, October 6th, 2015

Dear Friends of Jesus,

As some of you know, we are in the midst of some high holy Jewish days. As one with Jewish ancestry from my mother’s  side,  I’m ever mindful of the significance of these days and seasons. Rosh Hashanah, is the start of the Jewish New Year. There is a holy call to celebrate with joy and shouting of our God’s ever present offer of LIFE in HIM. While in Southern California on this holy day, I invited our seminar attendees, in Pasadena, to start anew in  their  relationship with JESUS!

It was a sweet and beautiful time for me personally. It made it even more special to minister deliverance to the captives and see those hurting healed. We even played the sound of the Shofar prior to doing some spiritual warfare!

It’s been amazing to see. While in Southern California this past weekend and then in Atlanta prior to that  we encountered so many dozens who experienced deliverance by simply participating in our mass deliverance prayers . Some even testified of being miraculously healed of various kinds of ailments, maladies and afflictions. However, there were some that didn’t have such a experience. Some were experiencing internal opposition from the demonic where assistance was mandatory. Such with the case of the young lady pictured with me above.

In the midst of the evening service the night before Rosh Hashanah, at the Temple of Salvation, in Los Angeles, California, I noticed my dear sister was experiencing demonic attacks. I approached her and immediately demons surfaced. They were furious. They were so deeply hidden within her. There were many evil spirits within her that were stemming from generational evil that her ancestors participated in. I confronted them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and through the power of His CROSS!

They were stubborn. In fact, the spirits, grasped the chairs, with her hands, with the hopes of not being pulled up from the chair, by the holy angels, to the front of the sanctuary where I could minister to her. Eventually the holy angels pried her hands from the chairs and brought her to the front of the sanctuary so I could minister deliverance to her. It was a battle. I was drenched with sweat.

We commanded many demons out of this woman and many heart parts were supernaturally healed. She was so happy afterwards and experienced immediate peace and freedom. She came back the following night –on Rosh Hashanah– to our seminar in Pasadena and experienced even more freedom and healing. More work needs to take place but the work has begun and Jesus is SETTING her FREE from a life on bondage to Satan!

My friends –there is POWER in the CROSS of CHRIST! Your salvation, healing, deliverance, restoration, and strength is in the BLOOD that was shed on that CROSS! Go to the CROSS and find JESUS!

Pasadena, California: Jesus Power Defeats Witchcraft!

Tuesday, October 6th, 2015

Maria, a 27 year old young woman, shared with everyone during the seminar that she weighed only 83 pounds (that’s only 37kg). The demons were starving her…they WERE TRYING TO KILL HER! They were doing a good job. I asked Maria what was her favorite food? She said cheeseburgers! So, I encouraged her to eat some, after her deliverance. In fact, in the middle of the service, after her powerful exorcism, I suggested to them to leave and to get some In & Out cheeseburgers. They were joyful and Maria was, no doubt, looking forward to getting a cheeseburger!


Allow me to share what transpired during Maria’s exorcism. After teaching from the Holy Scriptures and leading everyone in Holy Communion I began to minister to the captives. A number of souls were instantly healed of various kinds of pains and afflictions. A number of souls encountered some quick freedom from demons too. However, God prompted me to minister to approach Maria in the back of the meeting hall.


Demons quickly surfaced and spoke to me. They revealed much.


“We have been here for a very long time,” the first group of demons called death revealed to me, “We are here to destroy her. Her ancestors participated in witchcraft, in human and animal sacrifices.”


Maria had been invaded by death demons. They were determined to kill her. They were determined to destroy her. They had given her a eating disorder and were gradually taking her life. I was determined to rescue this beautiful soul for Jesus! She WILL LIVE!


Another group of demons surfaced that was holding in captivity an ancestral dissociative identity that was only 12 years of age. This broken heart part was so sad. I spoke to this little heart part and I discovered that this little one had witnessed some terrible abuse many generations ago and didn’t know why they were present in this woman.


I sent this little heart part to Jesus for healing. As the part was being guided to the Healer, demons of witchcraft resurfaced.


“We are the ones behind death but we must go because Jesus commands us to leave this woman,” the spirits of witchcraft confessed, “We married her and we give her many pains by placing darts into her.”


I commanded the demons to take the pains and the fiery darts from this woman and to enter into the pit. They came out of her breath and she was set FREE from the demons of death and witchcraft. Furthermore, some dissociative identities that were released were also supernaturally healed by Jesus.


By the way, Maria also testified of feeling no more pain either! She was miraculously healed and freed from demonic bondage!


After her deliverance, she was able to partake of Holy Communion without any problems. Unlike at the beginning of the service where she had great difficulty partaking of the blood and body of Jesus! The Lord Jesus truly restored and healed this woman. Not only was Maria set free but also her mother from the curse of witchcraft in the name of Jesus!

Violent Demons Cast Out in Atlanta & LA!

Tuesday, October 6th, 2015

Dear Friends of Jesus,


It’s been an incredibly powerful North American mission thus far and I just started! Already we have held 5 meetings in 4 days and we witnessed Jesus transforming many lives. I’m also very pleased to see that our public meetings have been jammed packed. Quite a few people are finding out about this mission and joining us. I’m meeting many new friends. In fact, here in Southern California, I would estimate, perhaps, 70% of our audience were first time visitors. I love ministering in new environments and we are seeing tremendous response the call of the gospel.


Yes, it’s been a hectic 4 days in Atlanta, Georgia and Los Angeles, California but very satisfying. Even earlier tonight, at the Temple of Salvation, here in Los Angeles, California, we were able to minister not only to those tormented by Satan but also to teach and preach the gospel –leading some souls to salvation in Jesus Christ!


The positive comments I’m receiving, from those who attended our Georgia and California meeting have been heart felt and encouraging. Each meeting has been filled with extraordinary power encounters. Many thousands of demonic spirits have been expelled in Jesus name!


Some of the highlights of the most recent meetings include s eeing a disciple, originally from Jamaica, (pictured with me above, far left, post deliverance) find relief and release from the powers of witchcraft. Well before the ministry time, in our jammed packed Atlanta, Georgia meeting, this woman, pictured with me above, was manifesting terribly.


While leading everyone in mass deliverance prayers, suddenly, this demonized woman, forcefully stood up and approached me and attempted to push me up against the wall. I stood my ground in Jesus and battled back. Several times the demons within this woman, whom I’ll refer to as Kim, boasted that they would NEVER leave her!


“She belongs to us! We will NEVER leave!,” the spirits of Lucifer told me, “She was given over to me. I bring her sickness, I hold her gifts and I torment her!”


It was discovered that these woman had suffered from horrific satanic sexual ritual abuse. Too graphic to share with you in this email update. As the result of these horrible ceremonies these witchdoctors, shamans and sorcerers, in her native Jamaica, had even gained access to her soul. I spoke to them and forced them out in Jesus name.


Ancestral dissociative identities, dissociative identities, strong and violent demonic powers –such as spirits of Jezebel, death and Lucifer– surfaced throughout the exorcism. They screamed out of her and shook her body. Several times, we had to call forth the holy angels of God to restrain her. I utilized the cross and holy oil of the Holy Spirit to greatly weaken the demons with her. As the end, the demons submitted and were driven out in Jesus name! She was so happy afterwards and praised God!


That intense exorcism started off the public meeting in Atlanta. All night long we battled the powers of darkness. Many testified of feeling freedom by simply being present in the jammed packed hall as the Holy Spirit was moving powerfully in our midst. Many souls approached me afterwards and revealed they could feel demons leave their bodies and minds upon hearing the commands, I gave in Jesus name, for demons to depart. One Russian man, said he could actually SEE about 20 demons leave his chest while I prayed before the audience. She said he felt lighter and more peaceful.


My friends, we are seeing this often! As I am leading everyone in mass deliverance prayers –mass numbers of evil spirits of exiting from their victims. It’s been incredible. On this mission thus far, in Los Angeles and Atlanta, many dozens are being delivered from demons.


Another family we ministered to was a mother and daughter –pictured above, far right– they both manifested powerful demons that were hell bent on destroying. There were numerous spirits of witchcraft, shame and Jezebel operating within them. They boasted how they brought so many afflictions and torments including the curse of poverty.


The demons were cast out and many dissociative identities including some ancestral heart parts were guided to the Lord Jesus for healing. It was beautiful to see Jesus bring tremendous healing to their hearts. Both the mother and daughter encountered a incredible deep healing of their souls along with the explosion of the demonic spirits.


After the deliverance, the mother shouted out loud: “I AM FREE!” She was indeed set free by the power of Jesus!


From Georgia I traveled across the continent to Los Angeles, California, where I held another evening deliverance service at the Temple of Salvation, in West Hollywood, where many souls gathered to hear God’s Word and receive ministry. I was astonished to see so many individuals and families gather. God is truly blessing our efforts here in Southern California. Even before ministering deliverance to the captives I had the wonderful opportunity to lead souls to salvation in Jesus Christ! Then I proceeded to lead those assembled in mass deliverance prayers. Again, many souls were freed from demons including the lady pictured with me, in the middle, above.


Originally from the Hawaiian Islands and a first generation disciple of Christ. This young lady had experienced a great amount of pain and hurt. I could SEE it on her face. Again another violent group of demons surfaced in the midst of the meeting. They were determined to fight me and were very aggressive. In fact, at one point, the demons growled and lifted up some of the chairs in the meeting hall in extreme anger for being exposed to the light of Jesus!


Speaking of the light of Jesus. The light shone so brightly that numerous demons from within several people testified of the light of Jesus being so bright that they couldn’t handle it. You could see the demons dramatically move their eyes away from seeing the light. The light was hiding THAT bright. There was a specific place the light was coming from, within the sanctuary. It was the same place for all of the demons. The light of Jesus was present with us the entire night and it destroyed the demons


Again, what an honor to have the tangible presence of Jesus with us as we conduct our meetings throughout the world. We are seeing Jesus appear in His holy power and presence and we bow to serve Him as King.


This Hawaiian was powerfully moved by the holy angels of God to the front of the meeting hall and was ministered to. Numerous demons of Jezebel, idolatry and many others surfaced. Many heart parts surfaced too and guided to Jesus for healing. She was set free and immediately spoke how BRIGHT it was in the sanctuary! Beautiful Jesus!


Miraculous Visitation of Jesus in Atlanta, Georgia!

Tuesday, October 6th, 2015

Dear Friends of Jesus,

I understand Jesus is omnipresent. He is everywhere, at all places, at all times. However, there are times Jesus tangibly appears and visits with His people. Such was the case tonight here in Atlanta, Georgia, where Jesus appeared in a very special manner to a young lady (whom I’ll refer to as Julia) after her deliverance from evil spirits. It was staggering to see how Jesus worked in her life and the manner by which He choose to appear to her in.

After teaching from God’s Word and leading everyone in Holy Communion I ministered to those who had assembled. We even had to bring in some extra chairs to accommodate the many souls who had arrived for spiritual intervention. Families and individuals traveled great distances for healing and deliverance from demons and it was wonderful to be able to assist those in bondage.

A number of people were ministered to. Many demons were cast out in Jesus name. Many heart parts surfaced and were healed too. Even some ancestral dissociative identities surfaced and were supernaturally healed by Jesus. Towards the end of the service, I asked some fellow ministers to come up and to pray for those needing on-going ministry.

While people were being ministered to, I noticed a young couple, that were sitting in the back of the meeting hall, walking up towards me desperate for the ministry of deliverance. As I began to pray for this couple (David & Julia), demons surfaced from within Julia. There were spirits of pain and hatred that surfaced first. I battled them in Jesus name!

“We have been throwing darts at her husband,” the demons revealed, “We also have her broken heart too.”

I commanded the demons to extract the many darts they had implanted into the husband. As the demons extracted the darts, David could feel the demons releasing him. It was incredible to watch. Moreover, he was getting some much needed relief and release.

During the exorcism, I called forth the holy angels of God and they quickly arrived and assisted me in battling the demons. They struck the demons with their holy swords and the demons groaned in defeat. These spirits were also terribly weakened as Julia’s husband –David took authority over the demons, within his wife, in Jesus name.

Towards the end of the deliverance, we discovered that the strongman operating within Julia was the demon of Jezebel. We found out that these spirits had been implanting her life with various kinds of pains and troubles. I commanded Jezebel to take off her crown, she reluctantly did and I then commanded the demons to enter the pit in Jesus name. All of them left and Julia collapsed to the ground.

As she laid on the ground I asked the Lord Jesus to appear to her. HE DID! He visited her in a powerful manner. Julia was able to SEE the FACE of JESUS! That’s really special. Jesus loved on her and healed her. Moreover, Jesus spoke to her and told her to come to her and when she did, He told her He would make her great! YES! Jesus desires to bring into our hearts GREATNESS! We are wonderfully and beautifully created by God, He wants the very best for us and Julia received it on this night in Atlanta.

After being visited by the Lord she shared with the church what had transpired….with tears of joy and relief she vividly described seeing the face of Jesus. She was shocked and stunned –Jesus visited her!

We have been blessed as a global mission to hear these kinds of encounters ALL the time. Many souls in our meetings are seeing the resurrected Jesus! What a beautiful honor I will never take for granted. Thank YOU Jesus!