Witnessing Miracles Saved Soul in California! Seattle TONIGHT!

Dear Friends of Jesus,


As many of you know, we believe that miracles, signs and wonders of God open hearts of unbelievers. This past month we have been able to reach many thousands of non-believers throughout the world through our videos, radio presentations and publications. Moreover, our many seminars and meetings are reaching many souls here in North America. In many of our meetings here we are seeing many souls won to Jesus Christ! Many from other belief systems are surrendering to Jesus for salvation.


In a recent seminar, while in San Francisco, a lady from Portugal (pictured with me above) came to our meeting with her husband. She witnessed numerous miracles of healing and deliverance during the service. These miracles opened up her heart to Jesus. Unbeknownst to me, she was receiving some deliverance from demons, during the service, as a unbeliever. After all of these tremendous miracles took place I took some time to talk with her and her husband and I discovered she had never been born again. She was religious but never been born again. So, I had the wonderfully opportunity to lead her to salvation in King Jesus!


She was extremely happy afterwards and thanked me. She is looking forward to our return to the city. Another precious soul saved by Jesus! My friends, what a joy of mine to see many souls coming to Jesus Christ! This never gets old. NEVER!


I think back all those years ago, as a young teenager, preaching on the streets and distributing gospel booklets. I was so excited to lead souls to Jesus. I am still excited! Then my awesome responsibility in leading my 3 young children to Jesus! From the family I am able to extend to the world –proclaiming the LOVE of JESUS!


Thank you for believing in this mission and the many gospel projects we are currently involved in; that is extending into 185+ nations of the world.

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