Phenomenal Jesus Power Electrifies the Church in Perth

Dear Friends of Jesus ~

I have safely arrived back home after a very grueling few weeks of preaching, teaching and ministering. This last mission literally had me circling the globe and touching down:

~on 4 different continents

~visiting 8 different nations

~visiting more then 12 different cities

~conducting more then 20 public and private meetings

Have you read our most recent reports from the Middle East & Asia and from Australia.

I spent close to two days just sitting in planes alone. Through it all, God bestowed upon me unusual grace and strength. There were a few times I felt like I was about to come down sick and God simply removed the infirmity and I pressed on with the mission. I actually recall being in Manila after one night service feeling quite bad physically –my throat was raw, in pain from many days of ministering and back at the hotel room I sat slumped over discouraged as I was not feeling particularly well. I cried out to Jesus for relief. Jesus heard my cry and IMMEDIATELY the pain left. God truly healed me on that night. 

In my last ministry stop in Perth, Australia, I was invited to minister in a few churches and on the very last night I ministered for many hours at the Perth Christian Community Church. There was great enthusiasm within the crowd. You could feel it. It was electrifying. On this night God bestowed upon me unusual spiritual power. The power that was displayed by our great God was phenomenal. The presence of the Holy Spirit was quite strong in the sanctuary and as we praised our living King I was being filled by the Spirit of the Living God. The tangible anointing of the Holy Spirit rested upon me. I taught for a few hours from the Scriptures and then ministered late into the evening. In fact, towards the end of the service I had to literally run out of the church to the car so I could get to the international airport as i tried to stay as late as possible to minister to the many that had gathered.

Throughout the service precious people manifested very strong demonic spirits. Spirits of death, Baal, of Satan, Freemasonry, Illuminati, and other powerful spirits surfaced and battled me. The first lady we ministered to was a dear Asian woman inhabited by a very powerful spirit of rage and murder. I called forth holy angels and they assisted her to towards the front in fact one powerful angel of the Lord literally placed a spear into the back of the demon causing it to move forward. Few moments later the demon threw the woman violently on the ground, growled and cried out loudly. The demons truly resisted and fought me and the holy angels. Finally the woman was brought to the front of the sanctuary along with her husband and expelled these demons from her in Jesus name! It was a powerful demonstration of God’s power over the enemy.

Throughout the sanctuary evil spirits surfaced within so many. There were loud cries, bloodcurdling screams, violent twisting of bodies, and desperate cries for spiritual intervention. While leading everyone in renouncing generational curses many souls were being free –perhaps close to 100 individuals from what I can tell– were experiencing some measure of liberation as we cut off the generational curses that allowed so many demons to access ancestral bloodlines. Demons were quickly departing in Jesus name!

While dealing with the sins of Freemasonry some very violent and aggressive spirits surfaced within one woman that caused her to manifest quite dramatically. A powerful spirit named, Baal, surfaced, along with spirits of Osiris, Ra and other Masonic ancient demons. They fought furiously but were commanded out in the name of Jesus.

Moreover, we dealt with some young people who had demons and they were quickly liberated from the powers of darkness. 

Not only were evil spirits surfacing but so many broken parts of fragmented hearts. It was stunning to see the need for inner healing. There is a GREAT need to equip the Body to minister in this realm of ministry. Sadly, very few are equipped to minister in this area of ministry. Upon my return to Perth I hope to train many hundreds in the areas of healing and deliverance. 

Legions and legions of demonic spirits were defeated as precious people called upon God to set them free! Many were testifying of various kinds of supernatural healings also. It was amazing to see the power of God in action. 

The pastor of this growing congregation has invited me back and we are discussing various dates to hold a series of meetings and training seminars with the hopes of training many hundreds in the gospel ministry. 

Upon my return back to Dallas I have been enjoying my family and leading my family in Holy Communion. My kids absolutely enjoy partaking of the body and blood of our Lord. Continue to pray that God would grant me and my family strength. Moreover, I have been receiving amazing email reports from many. So many were encouraged by our most recent meetings. Through our work precious souls are also being delivered via our global radio broadcasts. Read this incredible report:

“Hi Jay, After your deliverance sessions at the Lutheran

church last week, which I praise God for allowing you to

come to West Australia. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, I was not
feeling well at all, not sleeping properly, I felt like a
tight band was around the top of my head etc. I went to
bible study at the Light Pavilion as I was going out the
door to go home, Pastor’s wife said to me
have a blessed sleep, So when I got home I decided to go
straight to bed and try to go to sleep, I listened to your
broadcast (powerful exorcism) and was just drifting off to
sleep, when a demon surfaced and I told it to go, I then
went off to sleep and had a good night rest and I am feeling
much better this morning. God bless you Jay.”

We receive emails all the time from those who listen to our global radio presentations and obtaining various kinds of liberation. What’s stunning is that I haven’t been able to produce more programs and yet our archive broadcasts are still reaching many thousands with the message of deliverance. I hope to have some NEW radio programs out soon. Because of my recent extensive travel schedule I have been limited but feel the need to produce more broadcasts to reach more souls! Also there were precious souls that testified, while ministering in the Lutheran Church, of being blessed by reading our many books including our 577 page volume on miracles. 

We were honored to serve the Body in Australia and believe the Holy Spirit has raised this mission at this time to impact multiple generations of Australians with the message of freedom found in Jesus! Many thanks to my Western Australian organizer Joan and to one of my ministry partners, Kobus, who assisted me greatly by transporting me throughout all of Perth holding private and public meetings. 

I love the Australian people and look forward to returning. Please pass these reports on to your friends and family!

Jesus is very much alive in the Great South-land of the Holy Spirit.

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