Battling Freemasonry, Jezebel & Mammon in Spiritual Warfare

Dear Friends of Jesus,


In our most recent missions in Southern California we have had a number of spiritual battles with some very powerful demons including Leviathan, Lucifer, mind controlling spirits, death, Freemasonry, Jezebel and Mammon. Some of the exorcisms have been protracted battles that have required purposeful persistence and the direct intervention of God’s holy angels. Our perservance has brought victory over these evil spirits in Jesus name.


In our last San Diego meeting, this past weekend, we encountered a young lady that had been invaded by numerous demons including Mammon, Jezebel, and Freemasonry. Incidentally, these three demonic spirits are some very common demonic entities we seem to continually battle with as we intervene in those whom are suffering from Satan’s assaults.


As I prayed for this young woman, whom I’ll refer to as Julie, the unclean spirits surfaced and spoke to me. However, truth be told, it was extremely difficult, to get the demon known as Jezebel to surface. Jezebel often resorts to intermingling with her victims (as depicted in the picture above) in an attempt to avoid detection. I can recall taking days, in various nations around the world, to extract Jezebel from the consciousness of her victims. Most who have this evil demon have no idea that this entity exists within their emotions and mind.


“We entered her bloodline four generations ago, on her father’s side, because they participated in immorality of all sorts,” the demons of Freemasonry, Mammon and Jezebel revealed to me, “There was death! Her ancestors killed a young girl. The girl died from sex by the knife. They made deals with us to obtain riches and power.”


Sickening. Because of this gruesome act, by those involved in secret sects, over a century ago, demons entered the bloodline. They brought a host of afflictions and problems including: lust, perversion, adultery, fornication, various kinds of pains.


No wonder Julie had some problems with immorality of all sorts. No wonder Julie was terribly tormented. I continued to confront these vile spirits in the name of Jesus.


“We bring strangulation, pain in her head, lower back pain, problems with her wrists and cause heartaches,” the demons boasted, “We also attack her memories and hold parts of her heart.”


AH! Another case of dissociation ( see teaching below for more information) where soul part existed. I spoke to a few little girls. They held on pain and hurt. They were directed to Jesus for healing. I then proceeded to drive out all of the demons and this woman was set free. She was even supernaturally healed of various physical pains upon her deliverance too. She was so happy afterwards and determined to serve King Jesus in the ministry.


In Los Angeles the night before, I confronted another woman who had been invaded by Jezebel. This spirit was also difficult to detach from the lady’s soul. However when the spirit was detached and forced to the surface, it was furious with me. It had been exposed and defeated by Jesus!


This woman was also set free from Jezebel, Mammon, torment, and many others. She too was healed of a broken heart.

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