Miracles Confirmed the Message of the Messiah in Hollywood!

Dear Friends of Jesus,


In nearly every public mission we are seeing souls saved by Jesus. Mark 16:20 speaks of how the disciples of the Lord preached everywhere and “confirming the WORD with signs following.” I’m a big believer in public demonstration of the power of God before the watching world. So that the believer and unbeliever alike may SEE that our God is alive and is able to perform great wonders.


Last night, after seeing many miraculous wonders, a Jewish man, approached me after the service and was amazed at what he witnessed: demons commanded into the pit, bodies made well and lives transformed.


“Am I able to invite this Messiah you speak of into my life,” this gentle Jewish man inquired.


“Of course. Yes. I would love to pray with you so you might be able to invite this Messiah into your life right now,” I replied.


He consented and he was born again by the Holy Spirit. As many of you know I have Jewish ancestry on my mother’s side and it has pleased God to bring many Jews, over the years, to many of our meetings. They have listened to my testimony and have seen the many miracles that point to the risen Jesus. These miracles have opened up many hearts. As a result I have been to lead some to the Savior. Others, I was able to plant gospel seeds.


This salvation made my heart happy. This was one of many miracles that took place as we conducted a powerful service at the Temple of Salvation in West Hollywood. In fact, it was perhaps, one of our most enthusiastic meetings we have ever held in California over the years. The sanctuary was jammed packed and we had to bring in extra chairs to accommodate the many souls that were gathering for a miracle.


For 7+ hours I ministered to those tormented by demonic powers. All night long, I taught from the WORD, led in Holy Communion, prayed for the sick and tormented. One of the first ladies we ministered to was a precious saint that traveled in from another part of the country to receive deliverance. Immediately, after praying for her, millions of ancient Syrian demons surfaced. They growled and twisted her body. With claw like hands they spoke in various languages.


“We have been in her bloodline for thousands of years!” the demons named Zoba revealed, “Her ancestors participated in spiritual rebellion which allowed us into the bloodline.”


It was an intense spiritual war. I called for the holy angels and they swiftly punished the invading demons with their mighty swords. The demons groaned and moaned in agony. Moreover, I used the power of the cross and the sacred oil. These spiritual weapons weakened the demons.


We commanded the millions of these ancient Syrian demonic powers to the pit in Jesus name. The woman was released and was happy to encounter freedom. However, more ministry needs to take place but we are joyful in God’s grace and power in her life to bring about significant deliverance from millions of demons!

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