Cross of Jesus Crushing Witchcraft in Southern California!

Dear Friends of Jesus,


A demon named Satan surfaced from within a young man determined to destroy him! He boldly told me I couldn’t stop him from destroying him.


“I WILL KILL HIM!” spirits of Lucifer boastfully told me.


He was serious and determined. I was too. I would not be intimitated by these disgusting demons. I would force him to bow to King Jesus –which he eventually did. These demons bowed to the CROSS of Jesus. Actually, the CROSS CRUSHED them!


Our last seminar in Orange County was extraordinary in so many ways. We witnessed some incredibly powerful miracles of deliverance and healing. Even in the midst of the service, Jesus appeared to some were present and the holy angels of God swiftly arrived to assist me in delivering souls from the grasp of Satan.


Speaking of the holy angels, I noticed towards the end of the service, I was just about to conclude the meeting, when I glanced towards Johnny (pictured with me above, post deliverance) and I noticed Johnny was no longer present –a demon was glaring at me with disgust and murderous hatred. Johnny was in a demonized tranced state.


I commanded the demons to come up to the front. The demons resisted and opposed me. So, I asked for God to send His holy angels to assist me. They swiftly arrived and carried him to the front of the meeting hall so I could minister more effectively to him. At one point, the demons tried to halt his movement up to the front of the hall. However, the angels pushed him forward and they ended up in front of me.


In the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ I commanded the demons to reveal by what right do they stay within him. They spoke confidently:


“Well, he likes what we give him,” the demons revealed, “He likes to supernaturally travel, to soul travel to other locations throughout the world.”


We discovered Johnny had been practicing the ancient witchcraft art of soul travel or astral projection whereby a soul, with the aid of a evil spirit, travels in the unseen and seen realms to other locales.


“I wanted to be able to travel the world,” Johnny told me, “This was one way I could do this.”


Because Johnny was wanting to travel, he was tempted to turn to evil supernaturalism to accomplish his goals. That opened gateways to the demonic thus his demonic afflictions. I explained to him his need to repent of this practice and other indulgences in the occult. He readily repented and I commanded the witchcraft (and many other kinds of spirits) demons out him in the name of Jesus! The demons entered the abyss.


During this exorcism, I also encountered little heart parts. They were guided to Jesus for healing. Moreover, I also confronted some soul invaders within him. They too were sent out of his mind and body in Jesus name. More work needs to take place in this young man’s life however I’m very happy to see him experience this incredible freedom and healing. He was extremely grateful afterwards for his new found freedom in Jesus!


My friends, where is the church on this? Why is it that so many people –even most disciples of Jesus– are so terribly demonized? I deal with this, basically, every day, however I never seem to get over this. It’s even difficult for me to grasp –the sheer numbers of people that are demonically afflicted. By the way, it’s not only the demon issue but it’s also this:

  • The sheer numbers of people with dissociative elements
  • The sheer numbers of people with unresolved ancestral issues
  • The sheer number of people with soul invaders

Speaking of soul invaders….I think 90% of the individuals we have been ministering to this year have these soul invaders within their lives. It’s staggering. It’s shocking to even me. I often wonder –could this really be happening? I cannot deny the TRUTH though. Everywhere I go it’s present –I have encountered these spiritual realities in many dozens of nations around the world –tens of thousands of people!
Yet, the modern day church is in the dark about these realities? How can this be. There must be some deep blindness that keeps church people from SEEING. I’m hoping as I talk about these realities it will awaken the Body of Christ! It’s my hope and prayer as there are enslaved souls that are WAITING for us to intervene!
We are in awe of the many souls being set free from witchcraft! There have been so many public displays of the superior powers of the cross of Jesus crushing the inferior powers of the devil. These power demonstrations, these Jesus encounters are awakening many and inspiring many to follow Jesus with all of their heart!

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