Pasadena: Ex-Nazi & Warrior for Satan Declares He is Now a Warrior for Jesus!

Dear Friends of Jesus,


I’m in awe. I’m humbled that I get to serve Jesus to hurting people. I’m a servant of God who desires to see the downtrodden find hope. So many individuals and families are in dire need of deliverance and healing. I’m grateful we can conduct these seminars and public meetings offering opportunities for souls to be free.


Earlier tonight, here in Southern California, in the city of Pasadena, we conducted another service with the hopes of inspiring people to serve Jesus in the ministry of exorcism. One man we inspired tonight was Jason, pictured with me above, with Pastor Juan Ruiz (many thanks to Pastor Juan Ruiz & Pastor Saba Ross who have been faithfully serving this mission, here in Southern California, as our mission coordinators).


Jason was hurting. He sat in the back of the meeting hall and listened to the teaching from the WORD. After leading everyone in Holy Communion, we began to minister to those in captivity. One of the first individuals we ministered to was Jason. I brought him to the front of the hall and we began to pray with him. Immediately demons surfaced. They growled and moaned. We discovered much.


They were bringing depression, oppression, addictions, sickness and pains into his body. Moreover, they were keeping him enslaved to spiritual darkness and torment. I was determined to see him free in Jesus so I battled these demons.


These evil forces submitted to Christ. While they were being defeated, I was also leading Jason in some powerful prayers to renounce his involvement and his families involvement in witchcraft. While praying with me, demons surfaced and were able to stop him from praying. We continue to fight on his behalf.


“There’s MILLIONS of us here!” the demons confessed to me, “We have been here a very long time because his ancestors participated in human and animal sacrifices.”


Horrific but sadly common. So many people with deep ancestral evil issues unresolved –like Jason. By God’s power we were able to defeat these strong demons, MILLIONS of them. They were driven out of his body and mind. Then suddenly, two soul invaders surfaced –his mother and grandmother who wanted to control him. Both had been involved in witchcraft. They were removed in the name of Jesus!


After his deliverance, Jason was amazed and SHOCKED! He looked so differently. He looked like wonderful.


“I feel amazing. I feel lighter and clearer. I was a Nazi and a warrior for Satan, now I’m determined to be a warrior for God!” Jason testified before all. “Praise God!”

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