Jesus Freed Many from Santa Muerte, Santeria & Witchcraft Powers!

Dear Friends of Jesus,


One of the most common evil spirits I battle, consistently, is the spirit of witchcraft. In every society and community I have visited throughout the earth I have observed witchcraft at work at some level. In some societies, it’s more blatant then others. But, the reality is witchcraft, sorcery, wizardry, the occult, Satanism, and spiritism is at work thus captivating billions.

Here in Southern California I have noticed the surge of the Santa Muerte (is a female skeletal cult-like figure, that personifies death, who is venerated by multiple millions in Latin America and the border states of the United States). It is a form of witchcraft. In fact, not too long ago, in Mexico, the Catholic-influenced Mexican-army was commissioned to demolish more then 40 Santa Muerte shrines near the border. It is a serious spiritual threat within many Latin American communities. I have seen a surge of exorcisms involving demons rooted in Santa Muerte in recent years.

In fact, in recent months, I have encountered in nearly every seminar, personal ministry session, and mission, the powers of witchcraft and have seen Jesus Christ bring victory. For example, in Seattle, Washington, recently, I encountered a number of souls being enslaved and affected by the occult. The young lady, pictured above, was released from spirits of witchcraft.

Her friend, Maria, was also set free from the demons of witchcraft too. Maria, several years ago, attended one of our Seattle seminars with her teenage daughter. Her young daughter manifested powerful spirits that were expelled in the name of Jesus. She was dramatically set free. Witnessing her daughter prompted her to be open to the ministry thus her attendance.

She revealed her own involvement in Santeria rituals and ceremonies. She renounced those dark practices and was powerfully set free. The following day, Maria, LOOKED different. God gave her peaceful sleep. Maria shared she had not been able to sleep for a very long time. Witchcraft brings torment. She even wanted to publicly testify of her deliverance in my next meeting (see her video testimony below). I love that –disciples who are not ashamed to testify of their deliverance and give God the glory.

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