Jesus Speaks to Me After Exorcism in Southern California!

Dear Friends of Jesus,


After our last seminar in Seattle I got back to the hotel but was unable to get any sleep as I had to board a very early morning flight back to Southern California. When I arrived into Los Angeles I tried to get a few hours of sleep before our meeting in Pasadena. Though I was operating with little sleep God refreshed me and I was able to teach and minister the gospel.

After leading everyone in Holy Communion and teaching from the WORD, I began to pray for those afflicted including this young woman pictured with me above. Her name is Iko and she is she a Japanese disciple who heard about our seminar from some friends of her who attended our most recent seminars in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Ikon arrived late but within few minutes of her arrival God led me to minister to her. Numerous demons manifested and spoke to me.

“We give her depression, insecurity, and sickness,” the spirits informed me, “We make her feel hopeless, make her feel rejected and place her in poverty.”

Iko was being terribly vexed by evil spirits. Also many ancestral spirits of Buddhism had entered her because her family participated in idolatry, ancestral worship and false worship.

“We have placed chains around her to keep her enslaved,” the devils revealed to me, “We hold onto her broken heart.”

Her life and heart was released and I was able to extend love and healing to her broken heart –a little 14 year old dissociative identity. She was guided to Jesus and was able to SEE Him!Jesus spoke to her and told her she was not rejected. God’s mercy and compassion was extended to her and she encountered a deep healing.

We also encountered within Iko a soul invader because of a prior unhealthy soul tie. I guided him to Jesus and removed this controlling soul invader. After this powerful exorcism, Iko looked at me and said Jesus had spoken to her about me. Really? Yes. He says that He loves you!

Can it get any better? Jesus wanted me to hear that so he told Iko to tell me. Of course, it was edifying and empowering. Thank you Jesus!

By the way, I just received a beautiful testimony from a former palm reader who attended one of our Tasmanian seminars. She attended desperate for help. During our seminar she was saved by Jesus and set free from many demons. She wrote me recently:


“Dear Jay, I love reading about the amazing work you do..through the love of the most wonderful Jesus Christ. You were able to do something that nobody ever could..that is rid me of those nasty dark ones..they tried to suffocate me but thank God for you and beautiful soul James…lets not forget all saved my life..remember Launceston, Tasmania..palm reader..with no clue..haha!”

Love you my dear sister! I do  remember  and thank God for you and your soft heart for Jesus! God is raising you up to reach others who need deliverance from witchcraft and evil. 

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