Santa Ana: Crowded Hall Witness Millions of Demons Crushed by King Jesus!

Dear Friends of Jesus,


What an amazing night here in Orange County earlier this evening. For more then 6 hours we ministered to those afflicted by demonic spirits in the city of Santa Ana before a crowded hall. We had to request more chairs to accommodate those arriving in for help. Individuals and families traveled great distances to obtain freedom and healing. In fact, one man, a minister of the gospel, traveled all the way from London, UK, to attend our weekend of seminars. Astounding.


Think about that for a moment. That’s thousands of miles away! I’ll refer to him as Mike. Several years ago, Mike attended one of my European seminars. He was deeply impacted by the ministry. In that specific seminar I was able to minister to Mike some. Many demons were expelled from his body in the name of Jesus. I wasn’t able to work with him too much as there were so many others, that night, that needed ministry. Fast forward a few years, he books a ticket for the United States and he arrives desperate for some more deliverance and healing. He’s a fighter determined to get more freedom! Amen!


The Holy Spirit led me immediately to him. Mike revealed that the demons were furious with me. As in wanting to physically attack me. I had the Body of Christ stand it’s ground and we defeated these demons in the name of Jesus!


Millions of these destructive demons surfaced and revealed much. They had been tormenting him for months non-stop with hopes of driving him into insanity.


“This man is dangerous. We must stop him!,” the demons warned me, “We bring confusion, mind control, and torment. We offered him money but he refuses. This man is so dangerous as he understand his authority that he has in your Jesus!”


HA! That’s the key my friends. We become dangerous like Mike when we truly understand our position in Christ –that we are seated with Him in the heavenly places and thus far above all demon powers that exist. Mike understood his position and immediately was a threat to the kingdom of darkness.


Many demons surfaced from within Mike –demons of Jezebel, death, and many spirits named Lucifer! They had been in the bloodline for thousands of years because his ancestors participated in ancient blood sacrifices and ritualism. These curses had been broken during our mass deliverance prayers and their hold over Mike was crushed.


The demons manifested horribly, twisting his limbs and growling out of him. They spoke out of him with hatred. But they readily acknowledged that Jesus was indeed Lord over all and their defeat by the power of the cross. Amazing confessions the demons made before a jammed packed audience here in Orange County.


Present in the meeting hall, was a large group of young people who came to the seminar with the hopes of learning more about deliverance and inner healing. I asked the young people to join me in casting out the demons. They readily responded and assisted me in driving out millions of demons within Mike. The demons were threatened by the young people standing for Jesus and they were commanded into the abyss by the power of Jesus! Mike was relieved and greatly strengthened. More work needs to take place however this was a massive victory.


Moreover, some broken heart parts surfaced and were guided to Jesus for healing and comfort. Incredible peace and healing took place as a result. That was the start of fascinating and fruitful night of ministry.


We also witnessed many others miraculous wonders as the night went on, including several souls being SAVED by Jesus! We have witnessed so many salvation miracles here in California! Never gets old! Furthermore many heart parts were healed –including some within the young lady pictured with me above. She also experienced some deep deliverance ministry. Look at her SMILE! That’s a post deliverance ministry smile –after Jesus touches you with His love and power!


After the service concluded many other ministers assisted me in ministering to many others needing spiritual intervention and deliverance. One lady I ministered to was loaded with soul invaders and curses that witches had sent to her. More on her story in another update but she experienced an amazing liberation from the powers of witchcraft and look forward to revealing more before too long.

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