Epic: Witchdoctor v Powers of Christ!

Dear Friends of Jesus,


All night, in Pasadena, California, in our last seminar, we battled numerous soul invaders that were hell-bent on destruction. Most of these soul invaders (soul parts that have invaded their victims via unholy soul ties & witchcraft) were resorting to the powers of witchcraft to entice, enslave and control their victims. Most of those who had these soul invaders had no idea they had been invaded.


Take for example, this precious woman, originally from Tanzania, Africa, who had been taken advantage of by a witchdoctor that she knew of. However, she had no idea he was, in an sense, living within her.


“I want to kill her. I would like to see her die from a heart attack,” the witchdoctor revealed to me, “I sabotage her life and give her pains!”


Horrible. This severely demonized witchdoctor, soul traveled to this woman. He had been sending her curses and spells with the hopes of destroying her life. Thankfully, Jesus prevailed.


I noticed my sister in Christ, early on, during the service. She was suffering. She was crying out for help and for intervention. She was holding her body in terrible pain. She, literally, pleaded with me to help her. As the Holy Spirit guided, I extended some assistance and commanded the inner demons to be bound. The demons reacted and caused her to fall down on the ground. The demons began to crawl in my direction.


As her body crumpled up, I commanded the the demons to stand back up in Jesus name. They eventually stood her up and spoke to me. They were determined to battle me.


“We have been here for YEARS!,” the demons revealed to me, “Her ancestors participated in witchcraft and sorcery, that’s why we are here!”


One again, ancestral witchcraft, opened doors to the demonic and these many demons were transmitted down through the generations –one generation at a time. No one stopped their spiritual transmission. So, all of these witchcraft forces were dumped into her life. This is why we conduct generational curse-breaking, to STOP the furtherance of ancestral evil in a bloodline.


These ancestral spirits, the witchdoctor (soul invader) and the demons attached to this witchdoctor sought to battle me. I battled back in the power of the Holy Spirit. The militant church stood it’s ground and we were victorious. Jesus conquered the powers of hell and these demons were commanded into the abyss. This woman, immediately hugged me, she was so relieved and happy. She testified of feeling no more physical pains and torments. God healed this woman! She was so grateful afterwards.

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