Shocker in Pasadena: Warlock within Christian Boasted, Jezebel Battled!

Dear Friends of Jesus,


It was a memorable miracle service, last night, in Pasadena. For four straight nights I conducted seminars throughout Southern California and battled warlocks, witches and sorcerers within those victimized by the powers of the occult. All four nights, I battled on the behalf of disciples of Jesus whom were demonized as a result of being targeted by witches. This deeply concerns me.


Witchcraft has become very prevalent in Western societies (for that matter in every society). There is an acceleration of witchcraft against Christians, in general. It’s always been present in history however it seems the sheer numbers of followers of Christ with occult-infused soul invaders, witchcraft demons and voodoo curses is staggering.


EVERYWHERE I go I battle witchcraft within Christians. Consider what I had to battle in recent days:

  • Numerous ex-lovers, who are witches and warlocks, who were within many Christians I ministered to
  • Fathers, mothers, and other family members targeted their “loved ones” with all sorts of occult spells and curses
  • Acquaintances who are targeting disciples for destruction
  • Friends who masquerade as Christians but in reality are aligned with the powers of Satan sending demons
  • Mass numbers of witchcraft and Jezebel spirits hell-bent on warring against me

During our Pasadena seminar, I ministered to those victimized by witchcraft and sorcery. I also battled numerous demons named Jezebel –who by the way is a witch! By the way, if Hillary Clinton ascends to the Presidency of the United States, expect a massive assault of Jezebel-like spirits upon this land and extending throughout the world (note: Donald Trump is not that much better). Make no mistake about it, Jezebel will be stronger upon this land then at any point in American history.

Even now as Hillary is being set up to rule (make no mistake about it very powerful spiritual forces are energizing her), I see the demons of Jezebel increasing in strength. We must be on guard and vigilant and continue to be pro-active. Do not back down. Confront Jezebel and do not tolerate her in Jesus name! Defeat her in Jesus name by performing exorcisms –driving the spirits to the abyss!

As I ministered to the young lady, pictured with me above, entered into a demonic trance like and forceful voice spoke out of her.


“I’m 50 years old! She has no idea I’m here within her!” a voice revealed to me, “I picked on her because she was a easy target. She has no idea, I’m here! But I will have to leave because your power is greater then my power because Jesus is Lord!


Who was this voice that spoke out of her? We discovered it was a warlock –someone she knew very briefly, as in partaking in a VERY brief chat, at one point.  No romantic attachment, not even an  acquaintance. Just someone she met in passing. Astounding to think that a brief encounter allowed this man access to her soul. He was present within her and talking to me. He was boastful and haughty. He invaded her and kept hidden. 

My friends, within your souls are all kinds of spiritual elements. Most of you reading this have soul invaders, broken heart parts, demonic spirits and so much more. They are hidden. Even though I encounter this all the time –I’m ASTONISHED with the frequency of this phenomena. Why isn’t the church doing something about this? 

“I’m Tim. I am jealous of her. I don’t even know her that well but I lusted after her immediately after meeting her and wanted to have sex with her so I sent her love and seduction spells!” 

This soul invader was determined to attack this woman spiritually. How many of you are also being targeted by witchcraft? Perhaps a large percentage of you. Again much of this is concealed within you and it must be exposed by the light of Jesus.

She not only had a soul invader but also ancestral heart parts and I communicated with some of her own broken heart parts including a little baby and a 9 year old heart part. These were guided to Jesus and they were able to SEE the risen Savior! Amazing miracles we are witnessing in every seminar we are conducting throughout Southern California. It’s been stunning. 

So this young disciple of Jesus was powerfully set free from evil soul invaders (their demons) and numerous demons including witchcraft and Jezebel. Moreover, she was miraculously healed of various afflictions and her heart was restored. Afterwards, she was so very happy about her deliverance and healing.

“Jay, I had NO idea that these things were within me,” she testified before everyone, “No idea. I love Jesus and yet I had all of this! I feel lighter and free!

That was only one miracle that took place in Pasadena last night. All night long we ministered and many other wonders of the Holy Spirit took place. I look forward to sharing more soon!”

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